There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the employment security administration fund. All moneys in this fund which are received from the federal government or any agency thereof or which are appropriated by this state for the purposes described in section seven of this article shall be […]
The moneys deposited with this fund are hereby appropriated and made available to the order of the commissioner.
The fund shall consist of: (1) Moneys appropriated by the state.
This fund shall be administered and disbursed in the same manner and under the same conditions as other special funds of the State Treasury.
Balances to the credit of the administration fund shall not lapse at any time, but shall be continuously available to the commissioner for expenditure consistent with this chapter.
There is hereby created in the State Treasury a fund to be known as the employment security special administration fund, which shall consist of interest collected on delinquent payments pursuant to section seventeen, article five of this chapter. The moneys deposited with this fund are hereby appropriated and made available to the order of the […]
The treasurer shall give a separate and additional bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties with regard to the administration fund. The bond shall be in the amount of $15,000 and in the form prescribed by the Attorney General and approved by the Governor. Premiums on the bond shall be a charge on […]
For the purpose of maintaining the employment offices established by this chapter and for the purpose of cooperating with the United States employment service, a special employment service account shall be maintained as a part of the administration fund.
If any moneys received after June 30, 1941, pursuant to Title III of the Social Security Act, or any unencumbered balances in the employment security administration fund as of that date, or any moneys granted after that date to this state pursuant to the provisions of the Wagner- Peyser Act, or any moneys made available […]
(a) Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1103, Section 903 of the Social Security Act, as amended, funds may become available to the state. The provisions of 42 U.S.C. 1103, Section 903 of the Social Security Act, as amended, impose certain requirements that affect the state's use of the funds. It is the purpose of this section […]