The mine foreman examiner shall, with the approval of the director, prepare and, from time to time, modify examinations to be administered applicants for certification as mine foremen and fire bosses. All persons who desire to appear for examination shall notify the mine foreman examiner of their intentions to appear, if possible, not less than […]
Certificates of qualification of service heretofore granted shall have equal value with certificates of qualifications granted under this law.
The mine foreman examiner shall certify to the director, on a form furnished by the director, every person whose examination shall disclose the person's fitness for the duties of mine foreman, assistant mine foreman and fire boss, as above classified, and the director shall prepare certificates of qualification for the successful applicants and send them […]
(a) The Director of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training is responsible for surface and underground safety inspections of coal mines and the administration of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training. (b) The director is the chief executive officer of the office. Subject to provisions of law, he or she shall […]
The mine foreman examiner shall send to the director the answers and all other papers of the applicants, together with the tally sheets and a list of the questions and answers as prepared by the mine foreman examiner which shall be filed in the office as public documents.
(a) Charge of breach of duty. – A mine inspector or the director may charge a mine foreman, assistant mine foreman, fire boss or any other certified person with neglect or failure to perform any duty mandated pursuant to this article or article two of this chapter. The charge shall state the name of the […]
Any person whose license, certificate or similar authority to perform any supervisory or fire boss duties in another state has been suspended or revoked by that state cannot be certified under any provision of this chapter during the period of such suspension or revocation in the other state.
The director is hereby authorized to purchase, equip and operate for the use of said office such mine rescue stations and equipment as he or she may deem necessary.
The director is hereby authorized to have trained and employed at the rescue stations, operated by the office within the state, such rescue crews as he or she may deem necessary. Each member of a rescue crew shall devote four hours each month for training purposes and shall be available at all times to assist […]
(a) The operator shall provide mine rescue coverage at each active underground mine. (b) Mine rescue coverage may be provided by: (1) Establishing at least two mine rescue teams which are available at all times when miners are underground; or
(a) The director, in consultation with the state Board of Coal Mine Health and Safety, shall promulgate rules in accordance with §29A-1-1 et seq. of this code, detailing the requirements for mine safety programs to be established by coal operators, as provided in §22A-1-36(b) of this code. The rules may require different types of safety […]
(a) In every surface mine, regulated under the provisions of article three or four, chapter twenty-two of this code, where five or more persons are employed in a period of twenty-four hours, the operator shall employ at least one person certified in accordance with the provisions of article seven of this chapter as a mine […]
All provisions of this chapter intended to safeguard life and property shall extend to all surface-mining operations, regulated under articles three and four, chapter twenty-two of this code, insofar as such laws are applicable thereto. The director shall promulgate reasonable rules in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to protect the […]
(a) Beginning April 1, 1999, and notwithstanding any other provisions in this code to the contrary, the director, in consultation with the board of miner training, education and certification, established pursuant to the provisions of article seven of this chapter, shall make reciprocity of mine foreman certification and experienced miner certification available to any person […]
(a) The Director of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training is hereby empowered and it is his or her duty to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter relating to health and safety inspections and enforcement and training in coal mines, underground clay mines, open pit mines, cement manufacturing plants and underground […]
(a) To the extent permitted by law, any person meeting with, or providing a statement to, the director may request to do so on a confidential basis without the consent, presence, involvement or knowledge of any third party. Upon such a request, the director shall keep the identity of any individual providing such a statement […]
(a) Legislative findings. — (1) In the past six years, West Virginia's coal industry has been battered by constant judicial and regulatory assaults, which have disproportionately raised the cost of mining coal in West Virginia compared with production costs in other coal producing states. These increased costs of production have caused West Virginia coal to […]
(a) The MSHA-approved surface ground control plan shall serve as the state-approved plan, and the operator, upon approval by MSHA, shall provide a copy of the MSHA-approved surface ground control plan to the director. (b) Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) shall be required on all surface mining operations. The director shall promulgate emergency rules in order […]
(a) If any injury or death shall occur to any person who has entered any mine, whether active workings, inactive workings, or abandoned workings, without permission, neither: (1) The owner of that mine or property; nor
In the event of an unauthorized entry by any person or persons into any mine whether active workings, inactive workings, or abandoned workings, neither the owner of that mine or property, nor any other person, organization, or entity involved in any rescue or attempted rescue of such person, may be held liable for any violation […]