§22A-7-1. Short Title
This article shall be cited as the West Virginia Miner Training, Education and Certification Act.
This article shall be cited as the West Virginia Miner Training, Education and Certification Act.
The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (a) The continued prosperity of the coal industry is of primary importance to the State of West Virginia; (b) The highest priority and concern of this Legislature and all in the coal mining industry must be the health and safety of the industry’s most valuable resource – the […]
Unless the context in which a word or phrase appears clearly requires a different meaning, the words defined in section two, article one of this chapter have when used in this article the meaning therein assigned to them. These words include, but are not limited to, the following: Office, director, mine inspector, operator, miner, shotfirer […]
(a) The Board of Miner Training, Education and Certification is continued, and commencing July 1, 2010, is a separate independent board within the Department of Commerce. The board consists of six voting members and two ex officio, nonvoting members, who are selected in the following manner: (1) One member shall be appointed by the Governor […]
(a) The board shall establish criteria and standards for a program of education, training and examination to be required of all prospective miners and miners prior to their certification in any of the various miner specialties requiring certification under this article or any other provision of this code. The specialties include, but are not limited […]
The Board of Coal Mine Health and Safety is directed to conduct a study of the overall program of education, training and examination associated with the various miner specialties requiring certification under this article or any other provision of this code. The study shall identify ways to enhance miner education and training to adequately reflect […]
The director shall propose rules for legislative approval, pursuant to chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, that are necessary to establish a program to implement the provisions of this article. Such program shall include, but not be limited to, implementation of a program of instruction in each of the miner occupational specialties and the conduct of […]
(a) An underground mine foreman-fire boss certified pursuant to this article on or after the effective date of this section shall complete the continuing education requirements in this section within two years of their certification and every two years thereafter. The continuing education requirements of this section may not be satisfied by the completion of […]