(a) It is the purpose and policy of the Legislature in enacting this chapter to confer upon the Public Service Commission of this state the authority and duty to enforce and regulate the practices, services and rates of public utilities in order to: (1) Ensure fair and prompt regulation of public utilities in the interest […]
(a) The Public Service Commission shall submit to the Legislature a supplemental rule for reorganization to supplement General Order No. 195, Rule for Reorganization, previously submitted to the Legislature on the first day of the 1980 regular session. Such supplemental rule shall specifically address and incorporate to the fullest extent possible each matter disapproved in […]
The Public Service Commission shall, by general order, create a division within its staff which shall, upon written request of the governing body of a political subdivision that operates a water and/or sewer utility, provide legal, operational, engineering, financial, ratemaking and accounting advice and assistance to water and/or sewer utilities that are political subdivisions of […]
The Legislature finds: (1) Helping retail electric customers invest in and install solar photovoltaic energy facilities of their choice on their properties is in the public interest;
The Legislature finds that: (1) Over 600 coal-fired electric units nationally have been forced to close;
Except where a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the following words when used in this chapter, shall mean: “Commission” or “Public Service Commission” means the Public Service Commission of West Virginia. “Customer” means any person, firm, corporation, municipality, public service district, or any other entity who purchases a product or services of any […]
(a) The Public Service Commission of West Virginia is continued and directed as provided by this chapter, chapter twenty-four-a, chapter twenty-four-b and chapter twenty-four-d of this code. The Public Service Commission may sue and be sued by that name. (b) The Public Service Commission shall consist of three members who shall be appointed by the […]
The commission shall appoint a secretary and such other employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and shall fix their respective salaries or compensations. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and true record of all proceedings, acts, orders and judgments of the commission, […]
The commission shall adopt a seal which shall be affixed to all papers under such regulations as the commission may prescribe. The commission shall likewise prescribe a schedule of fees to be charged for the certification of all records and papers, and sums to be paid witnesses and other costs necessary and incident to hearings […]
The general office of the commission shall be kept at the seat of government and in charge of the secretary or his or her deputy. Hearings and the taking of evidence may be had at such times and places and in such manner in each particular case as the commission may designate. If the sole […]
The commission shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, including rules of procedure and for taking evidence in all matters that may come before it, and enter such orders as may be just and lawful: Provided, That no such rule or regulation shall be […]
The commission may employ counsel to represent it in proceedings before it on application, complaint, or otherwise, and proceedings of any nature in any and all courts or before administrative or executive boards and to act as legal advisers to the commission in all matters for which their services, in the opinion of the commission, […]
(a) Any order recommended by a single hearing commissioner, a hearing examiner or a panel consisting of a hearing examiner and a single commissioner with respect to any matter referred for hearing shall be in writing and shall set forth separately findings of fact and conclusions of law, which findings of fact shall make specific […]