No motor carrier shall operate within the borders of this state under authority issued by the interstate commerce commission (hereinafter referred to as I.C.C.) unless and until it shall have filed with this commission a copy of such authority. However, a motor carrier shall only be required to file with this commission that portion of […]
A cab card shall, upon demand, be presented by the driver to any authorized commission personnel for inspection.
(a) Each motor carrier shall destroy a cab card immediately upon its expiration. (b) If a motor carrier permanently discontinues the use of a vehicle for which a cab card has been prepared, it shall nullify the cab card at the time of such discontinuance.
(a) Any erasure, improper alteration or unauthorized use of a cab card shall render it void. (b) If a cab card is lost, destroyed, mutilated or becomes illegible, a new cab card may be prepared and new identification stamps may be issued therefor upon application by the motor carrier and upon payment of the same […]
Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect the collection or method of collection of taxes or fees by this state from motor carriers for the operation of vehicles within the borders of this state.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, on or before December 31, 1993, the commission shall promulgate rules implementing a single state registration system, in lieu of the identification stamp and cab card system provided in this article, for motor carriers operating within the borders of this state pursuant to authority […]
(a) The Public Service Commission is designated as the appropriate state agency to implement and enforce the Unified Carrier Registration System established by the Federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, 49 U.S.C. §14504a, as amended. (b) The commission is authorized to promulgate rules pursuant to its general rule-making authority, if necessary, including emergency rules, […]
A motor carrier need not register under the provisions of this article any authority issued by the I.C.C. permitting operation within the borders of this state, when the same was properly filed with the commission at the time this article became effective.
No motor carrier subject to the provisions of section one of this article shall operate any motor vehicle within the borders of this state unless and until such vehicle, other than one used in driveaway operation, shall have been registered with this commission in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(a) On or before December 31, of each calendar year, but not earlier than the preceding first day of October, such motor carrier shall apply to the commission for the issuance of an identification stamp or stamps for the registration and identification of the vehicle or vehicles which it intends to operate, or driveaway operations […]
The application for the issuance of such identification stamp or stamps shall be in the form prescribed by the commission. The application shall be duly completed and executed by an official of the motor carrier, and shall be accompanied by a $3 fee for the issuance of each identification stamp. However, the fee for each […]
Any identification stamp issued under the provisions of this article by the commission shall bear its name or symbol and such other distinctive markings or information, if any, as the commission deems appropriate. The stamp shall be in the shape of a square and shall not exceed one inch in diameter.
The cab card shall be in the form prescribed by the NARUC and the commission.
In the case of a vehicle not used in a driveaway operation, the cab card shall be maintained in the cab of such vehicle for which prepared whenever the vehicle is operated under the authority of the carrier identified in the cab card. Such cab cards shall not be used for any vehicle except the […]
In the case of a driveaway operation, the cab card shall be maintained in the cab of the vehicle furnishing the motive power for the driveaway operation whenever such an operation is conducted under the authority of the carrier identified in the cab card.