The Legislature finds that television is an important source of information and entertainment affecting the welfare and economy of the state, and that cable television services have become widespread, often providing the only access to quality television signals in many areas of the state. The Legislature finds that it is in the public interest to […]
(a) Any cable franchise issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter may be revoked, altered or suspended by the franchising authority upon the recommendation of the commission to a municipality or county acting as a franchising authority or after a hearing before the franchising authority, for the following reasons: (1) For making material […]
(a) Any cable franchise issued pursuant to this chapter may be renewed by the franchising authority upon approval of a cable operator's application or proposal therefor and in accordance with the provisions of 47 U.S.C. §546 as the same is in effect on the effective date of this chapter. The form of the application or […]
(a) No cable system and no cable franchise, including any system without a franchise and any franchise in existence on the effective date of this chapter, may be assigned, sold, or transferred, including a transfer of control of any cable system, whether by change in ownership or otherwise, except upon written application to and approval […]
(a) The commission shall require each cable operator to file a schedule of its rates of service on a form and with the notice that the commission may prescribe. The schedule shall be filed with the annual report referenced in section twenty-four of this article. (b) To the extent permitted by federal law, the commission […]
(a) Every cable operator shall provide safe, adequate, and reliable service in accordance with applicable laws, rules, franchise requirements and its filed schedule of terms and conditions of service. (b) The commission shall require each cable operator to submit a schedule of all terms and conditions of service in the form and with the notice […]
(a) Each cable operator, for the purpose of restoring interrupted service and improving substandard service, shall be able to receive calls twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and shall have one or more qualified persons as may be necessary to repair the cable system, facilities and equipment owned by the cable operator and […]
(a) If cable service to a subscriber is interrupted for more than twenty-four continuous hours, such subscriber shall, upon request, receive a credit or refund from the cable operator in an amount that represents the proportionate share of such service not received in a billing period, provided such interruption is not caused by the subscriber. […]
(a) Each cable operator shall operate a business office in or near its area of operation as approved by the franchise authority or the commission that shall be open during normal business hours. (b) Each cable operator shall operate sufficient telephone lines, including a toll-free number or any other free calling option, as approved by […]
(a) Annually, every cable operator shall mail to each of its subscribers a notice which: (1) Informs subscribers how to communicate their views and complaints to the cable operator and to the commission;
(a) Every cable operator shall keep a record or log of all complaints received regarding quality of service, rates, programming, equipment malfunctions, billing procedure, employee relations with customers and similar matters as may be prescribed by the commission. The records shall be maintained for a period of two years. (b) The record or log shall […]
As used in this chapter: (1) "Applicant" means a person who initiates an application or proposal.
(a) All cable operators holding an existing franchise on the effective date of this article shall file a copy of the franchise and any federal communications commission rulings or other rulings affecting such franchises with the commission with the annual report filed in one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine as referenced in section twenty-four of this […]
A cable television system operator may not deny service, deny access, or otherwise discriminate against subscribers, channel users, or any other citizens on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, physical handicap or country of natural origin.
(a) Complaints of affected parties regarding the operation of a cable system must be made in writing and filed with the commission. The commission shall take up such complaints with the cable operator complained against in an endeavor to bring about satisfaction of the complaint without formal hearing. The commission shall not consider any complaint […]
(a) The commission has the power and jurisdiction to supervise every cable operator within this state so far as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter and to do all things which are necessary or convenient in the exercise of this power and jurisdiction. (b) The commission may adopt rules and […]
Each cable operator shall file annually with the commission reports of its financial, technical and operational condition and its ownership. The reports shall be made in a form and on the time schedule prescribed by the commission and shall be kept on file open to the public.
(a) Each cable operator shall pay to the commission an annual fee in an amount of 12¢ per subscriber. Such funds and all other funds to be paid to the commission under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited into a special fund designated the "cable fund." Such fund shall be used for purposes […]
No provision of this article may be construed to grant the commission the power to regulate the cable television industry as a utility.
Enactment of the amendments to section three, article one, chapter twenty-four of this code and this article in the year 1999 shall in no way change how cable television providers, cable television property and cable television services are taxed by this state or its political subdivisions after the effective date of this enactment. For tax […]