The director of health or his or her successor shall manage, direct, control and govern the Andrew S. Rowan memorial home, Denmar hospital, heretofore established and known as Denmar state hospital, Hopemont hospital, heretofore known as Hopemont state hospital, Pinecrest hospital, John Manchin, Sr., health care center, established as the Fairmont emergency hospital and formerly […]
Each facility provided for in this article shall have a chief executive officer denominated an "administrator." The administrator shall be the person having the fiscal responsibility of the facility and the authority to manage and administer the financial, business and personnel affairs of the facility under the direction of the director of health. The administrator […]
Pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the board of health, the director of health shall prescribe guidelines for the admission of persons to the facilities provided for in this article, with precedence given to those persons who are unable to pay. The director may establish and charge reasonable fees for the maintenance of persons […]
The director of health may transfer residents between the facilities administered by the board of health or its successor, except as otherwise provided by article five, chapter twenty- seven of this code. The director may accept transfer of residents from correctional institutions, subject to the provisions of chapter twenty-eight of this code. The director shall […]