The purpose of this article is to improve the administration of the state hospitals, raise the standards of treatment of the mentally ill and intellectually disabled in the state hospitals, encourage the further development of outpatient and diagnostic clinics, establish better research and training programs, and promote the development of mental health.
The state Department of Health shall transfer to the Division of Community Services of the Department of Mental Health all of the records of the bureau of mental health and all records pertaining to the state hospitals. Persons employed by the state department of health in that bureau may also be transferred to this division. […]
(a) The division on alcoholism, heretofore established in the department of health, shall continue and be known as the division on alcoholism and drug abuse. (1) The supervisor and personnel of this division shall assist the director of the department of health in the establishment of a program for the care, treatment and rehabilitation of […]
(a) A behavioral health provider licensed by the Department of Health and Human Resources adversely affected by an order or citation of a deficient practice issued pursuant to this article or pursuant to federal law may request to use the independent informal dispute resolution process established by this section. A licensee may contest a cited […]
There shall be a state department of mental health, to be known as the department of mental health. It shall be a corporation and, as such, shall have a seal and may contract and be contracted with. The department shall consist of a director of mental health, supervisors of divisions of the department, and such […]
The Governor shall appoint the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health by and with the consent of the Senate; he shall be known as the Commissioner of Mental Health. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the commissioner shall take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by section five, article four of […]
In addition to the powers and duties set forth in any other provision of this code, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources has the following powers and duties: (a) To develop and maintain a state plan which sets forth needs of the state in the areas of mental health and intellectual […]
There shall be a division of administration in the department of mental health. The chief executive of this division shall be the deputy commissioner for administration. The deputy commissioner shall be a college graduate with not less than two years' experience in business administration, health services administration or hospital administration, with broad knowledge of accounting, […]
There is a Division of Professional Services established in the Department of Mental Health. The supervisor of this division shall assist the director in the operation of the programs or services of the department and shall be a qualified psychiatrist. The supervisor of this division has the following powers and duties: (1) To develop professional […]
There shall be a division of community services in the department of mental health. This division shall administer all funds made available to the State of West Virginia and any political subdivision thereof under the National Mental Health Act, and all other funds made available for use by this division. The director shall establish standards […]
All moneys and funds belonging to the state which shall come into the possession or under the control of the superintendent or other officer of a state hospital under the control of the department of mental health shall be paid to the director of mental health monthly, on or before the tenth day of the […]
The control of the financial, business and all other affairs of state hospitals is hereby transferred from the state board of control to the department of mental health, and, as its chief executive officer, the director shall, in respect to the control, management and property of such state hospitals, have the same rights and powers […]