(a) Appointment of mental hygiene commissioners. The chief judge in each judicial circuit of this state shall appoint a competent attorney and may, if necessary, appoint additional attorneys to serve as mental hygiene commissioners to preside over involuntary hospitalization hearings. Mental hygiene commissioners shall be persons of good moral character and of standing in their […]
(a) Whenever transportation of an individual is required under the provisions of 27-4-1 et seq. and 27-5-1 et seq. of this code, the sheriff shall provide immediate transportation to or from the appropriate mental health facility or state hospital as described in 27-5-19(d) of this code: Provided, That, where hospitalization occurs pursuant to 27-4-1 et […]
(a) The Supreme Court of Appeals shall, in consultation with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources and local mental health services consumers and providers, implement throughout the state modified mental hygiene procedures that are consistent with the requirements set forth in this section. The judicial circuits selected for implementing the modified […]
If, in any case, the prosecuting attorney and his assistants in a county in which there is a state mental health hospital are unable to act due to a burdensome number of cases brought under this article, the circuit court shall appoint some competent practicing attorney to act in that case. The court shall certify […]
(a) Duties of the Department of Health and Human Resources. The Secretary shall, in collaboration with designees of the Supreme Court of Appeals, the Sheriffs Association, the Prosecuting Attorneys Association, the Public Defender Services, the Behavioral Health Providers Association, Disability Rights of West Virginia, and a designee of the Dangerousness Assessment Advisory Board, undertake an […]
(a) Any adult person may make an application for involuntary hospitalization for examination of an individual when the person making the application has reason to believe that the individual to be examined has a substance use disorder as defined by the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual […]
(a) As used in this section: (1) “Addiction” has the same meaning as the term is defined in 27-1-11 of this code.
(a) Admission to a mental health facility for examination. An individual shall be admitted to a mental health facility for examination and treatment upon entry of an order finding probable cause as provided in 27-5-2 of this code. Upon certification by a physician, psychologist, licensed professional counselor, licensed independent clinical social worker practicing in compliance […]
(a) In the event that a person is involuntarily hospitalized, and it is determined after the entry of the order that the behavior which led to the entry of the order of involuntary hospitalization was caused by a physical condition or disorder rather than mental illness or addiction, the hospitalization shall not serve to make […]
(a) Involuntary commitment. Except as provided in 27-5-2 and 27-5-3 of this code, no individual may be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or state hospital except by order entered of record at any time by the circuit court of the county in which the person resides or was found, or if the individual […]
Any individual adversely affected by any order of commitment entered by the circuit court under this article may seek review thereof by appeal to the state Supreme Court of Appeals and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon such court to hear and entertain such appeals upon application made therefor in the manner and within the time […]
If an individual ordered to be hospitalized pursuant to section four of this article is eligible for hospital care or treatment by any agency of the United States, then, upon receipt of a certificate from such agency showing that facilities are available and that the individual is eligible for care or treatment therein, the circuit […]
(a) No person may be deprived of any civil right solely by reason of his or her receipt of services for mental illness, intellectual disability or addiction, nor does the receipt of the services modify or vary any civil right of the person, including, but not limited to, civil service status and appointment, the right […]