The Legislature finds and declares that in certain proceedings the state is required to provide high quality legal assistance to indigent persons who would be otherwise unable to afford adequate legal counsel; that providing legal representation to those who face an economic barrier to adequate legal counsel will serve the ends of justice in accordance […]
(a) On or before May 1 of each year, each active public defender corporation shall submit to the executive director and the commission a funding application and a proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The accounting and auditing division shall review all funding applications and prepare recommendations for an operating plan and annual budget […]
(a) All panel attorneys shall maintain detailed and accurate records of the time expended and expenses incurred on behalf of eligible clients, and which records are to be maintained in a form that will enable the attorney to determine for any day the periods of time expended in tenths of an hour on behalf of […]
(a) Funds made available by the agency to public defender corporations or other entities under this article, either by loan, grant or contract, and funds used for payments to panel attorneys shall be used only to provide legal representation for eligible clients involved in proceedings defined by this article as eligible proceedings. (b) Funds received […]
(a) The governing body of each public defender corporation shall be a board of directors consisting of persons who are residents of the area to be served by the public defender corporation. (1) In multicounty circuits, and in the case of multicircuit or regional corporations, the county commission of each county within the area served […]
(a) The agency shall establish and periodically review and update financial guidelines for determining eligibility for legal representation made available under the provisions of this article. The agency shall adopt a financial affidavit form for use by persons seeking legal representation made available under the provisions of this article. (b) All persons seeking legal representation […]
(a) No full-time public defender or full-time assistant public defender may engage in any private practice of law except as provided in this section. (b) A board of directors may permit a newly employed full-time public defender or full-time assistant public defender to engage in the private practice of law for compensation for the sole […]
(a) The agency is authorized to require such reports as it deems necessary from any public defender corporation or other entity or person receiving funding under this article regarding activities carried out pursuant to this article. (b) The agency is authorized to prescribe the keeping of records with respect to the activities of public defender […]
(a) The accounts of each public defender corporation shall be audited annually as soon as possible after the end of each state fiscal year. Such audits shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by the State Tax Commissioner. (b) The audits shall be conducted at the place or places where the accounts […]
As used in this article, the following words and phrases are hereby defined: (1) "Eligible client": Any person who meets the requirements established by this article to receive publicly funded legal representation in an eligible proceeding as defined herein;
Any attorney who provides legal representation under the provisions of this article under appointment by a circuit court, family court or by the Supreme Court of Appeals, and whose only compensation therefor is paid under the provisions of this article, shall be immune from liability arising from that representation in the same manner and to […]
All equipment, operational or supplemental loans heretofore made under the former provisions of article twenty-one are forgiven and declared null and void and shall not be an obligation of a public defender corporation formerly established under the previous provisions of article twenty-one, nor an obligation of any successor organization or of the members of any […]
There is hereby created an executive agency known as Public Defender Services. The agency shall administer, coordinate and evaluate programs by which the state provides legal representation to indigent persons, monitor the progress of various delivery systems and recommend improvements. The agency shall maintain its office at the state Capitol.
(a) There is hereby established the Indigent Defense Commission to provide assistance to Public Defender Services with regard to the general policies and procedures of the agency, including, but not limited to, the opening, closing, or merging of public defender offices throughout the state and the establishment of performance measures for the qualitative review of […]
The agency shall have as its principal purpose the development and improvement of programs by which the state provides legal representation to indigent persons.
(a) The Governor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the executive director of Public Defender Services, who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Governor. The executive director shall be a qualified administrator as determined by the Governor, and shall be a member of the bar of […]
(a) Consistent with the provisions of this article, the agency is authorized to make grants to and contracts with public defender corporations and with individuals, partnerships, firms, corporations, and nonprofit organizations for the purpose of providing legal representation under this article and may make any other grants and contracts that are necessary to carry out […]
(a) Within the agency, there shall be a division known as the criminal law research center which may: (1) Undertake research, studies and analyses and act as a central repository, clearinghouse and disseminator of research materials;
(a) (1) In each judicial circuit of the state, there is hereby created a public defender corporation of the circuit: Provided, That the executive director, with the approval of the Indigent Defense Commission, may authorize the creation, merger or dissolution of a public defender corporation in a judicial circuit where the creation, merger or dissolution […]
(a) In each circuit of the state, the circuit court shall establish and maintain regional and local panels of private attorneys-at-law who are available to serve as counsel for eligible clients. An attorney-at-law may become a panel attorney and be enrolled on the regional or local panel, or both, to serve as counsel for eligible […]