As used in this article: (a) "Commission" means the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability created in section eleven, article three-a of this chapter. (b) "Board" means the West Virginia Board of Education.
(a) The board may, without hearing, find that an emergency exists requiring that emergency rules be promulgated and promulgate the same in accordance with this section. Such emergency rules, together with a statement of the facts and circumstances constituting the emergency, shall be filed in the state Register and shall become effective immediately upon such […]
The Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability may review any procedural rules, interpretive rules or existing legislative rules and may make recommendations concerning such rules to the Legislature, or to the board, or to both the Legislature and the board.
Any rule lawfully promulgated prior to the effective date of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect until: (1) Such rule is expressly made ineffective by the provisions of this chapter; or
In addition to other rule-making requirements imposed by law and except to the extent specifically exempted by the provisions of this chapter or other applicable law, every rule and regulation (including any amendment of or rule to repeal any other rule) shall be promulgated by the board in accordance with this article and shall be […]
In addition to other rule-making requirements imposed by law: (a) The board shall adopt procedural rules governing the formal and informal procedures prescribed or authorized by this chapter. Procedural rules shall include rules of practice before the board, together with forms and instructions. (b) To assist interested persons dealing with it, the board shall, so […]
(a) When the board proposes a procedural, interpretive or legislative rule, the agency shall file in the state register a notice of its action, including the text of the rule as proposed. (b) All proposed rules filed under subsection (a) of this section shall have a fiscal note attached itemizing the cost of implementing the […]
When the board proposes to promulgate a rule other than an emergency rule, it shall file in the state register a notice of its action, including a text of the rule proposed, a fiscal note as defined in subsection (b) of section four, and any request for the submission of evidence to be presented on […]
(a) Incident to fixing a date for public comment on a proposed rule, the board shall promulgate the findings and determinations required as a condition precedent thereto, and state fully and succinctly the reasons therefor and file such findings and determinations in the state register. If the board amends the proposed rule as a result […]
Notices of hearings required by section five of this article shall be filed in the state register not less than thirty nor more than sixty days before the date of such hearing or the last day specified therein for receiving written material. Any hearing may be continued from time to time and place to place […]
A rule shall be considered by the board for adoption not later than six months after the close of public comment and a notice of withdrawal or adoption shall be filed in the state register within that period. Failure to file such notice shall constitute withdrawal and the Secretary of State shall note such failure […]
(a) When the board proposes a legislative rule, the board shall submit the following to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability: (1) The full text of the legislative rule as proposed by the board and filed with the office of the Secretary of State, with new language underlined and with language to be deleted […]