§3-8-1. Provisions to Regulate and Control Elections
(a) The Legislature finds that: (1) West Virginia’s population is 1,808,344, ranking 37th among the fifty states.
(a) The Legislature finds that: (1) West Virginia’s population is 1,808,344, ranking 37th among the fifty states.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, amounts received by a candidate as contributions that are in excess of any amount necessary to defray his or her expenditures may be: (1) Used by the candidate to defray any usual and customary expenses incurred in connection with his or her duties as a […]
(a) Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself, or by any other person on his behalf, make use of, or threaten to make use of, any force, violence or restraint, or inflict, or threaten to inflict, any damage, harm or loss, upon or against any person, or by any other means attempt to […]
(a) A person may not publish, issue, or circulate, or cause to be published, issued, or circulated, any anonymous letter, circular, placard, radio or television advertisement, or other publication supporting or aiding the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate. (b) An owner, publisher, editor, or employee of a newspaper or other periodical may […]
In all cases of violation of the provisions of this article by any partnership, committee, association, corporation, or other organization or group of persons, the officers, directors, or managing or controlling heads thereof, who knowingly and willingly participate in such violation, shall be subject to the penalties and punishments provided herein.
The criminal offenses created in sections two, seven and twelve of this article by the provisions of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 402 during the fourth extraordinary session, two thousand five, shall be effective ninety days from passage.
(a) In addition to other reporting required under this article, any member, or any candidate committee for a member of the Legislature who is a candidate for legislative office, who has a fund-raising event while the Legislature is in session, shall disclose the existence of the event and the receipt of all contributions, including the […]
As used in this article, the following terms have the following definitions: (1) “Ballot issue” means a constitutional amendment, special levy, bond issue, local option referendum, municipal charter or revision, an increase or decrease of corporate limits, or any other question that is placed before the voters for a binding decision.
(a) In addition to any other reporting required by the provisions of this chapter, any person who makes independent expenditures in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $1,000 during a calendar year shall file a disclosure statement, according to the requirements of §3-8-5 of this code, that contains all of the following information: […]
(a) For purposes of this section: (1) "Inaugural committee" includes any person, organization or group of persons soliciting or receiving contributions for the purpose of funding an inaugural event for a person elected to a statewide public office; and
(a) Every person who has spent: (1) A total of $5,000 or more for the direct costs of purchasing, producing or disseminating electioneering communications during any calendar year; or
(a) Notwithstanding the definitions contained in section one-a of this article, for purposes of this section: (1) “Contribution” means a gift, subscription, loan, assessment, payment for services, dues, advance, donation, pledge, contract, agreement, forbearance or promise of money or other tangible thing of value, whether conditional or legally enforceable, or, a transfer of money or […]
Every political committee shall appoint and retain a treasurer to receive, keep and disburse all sums of money which may be collected or received by such committee, or by any of its members, for election expenses, and, unless such treasurer is first appointed and thereafter retained, it shall be unlawful for any such committee or […]
(a) No person may act as the treasurer of any political action committee or political party committee supporting, aiding, or opposing the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for an office encompassing an election district larger than a county unless a written statement of organization, on a form to be prescribed by the Secretary […]
(a) A political committee may terminate by filing a written request, in accordance with the provisions of section four of this article, and by stating in the request that it will no longer receive any contributions or make any disbursements and that it has no outstanding debts or obligations. At such time, any excess funds […]
(a) Record-keeping requirements. — (1) Except for candidates for party committeeman and committeewoman, all candidates for nomination or election to state or local offices and all persons supporting, aiding, or opposing the nomination, election, or defeat of any such candidate shall keep, for a period of two years, records of receipts and expenditures which are […]
(a) Each financial statement required by the provisions of this article, other than a disclosure of electioneering communications pursuant to section two-b of this article, shall contain only the following information: (1) The name, residence and mailing address and telephone number of each candidate, financial agent, treasurer or person and the name, address and telephone […]
(a) The financial statements provided for in this article shall be filed, by or on behalf of candidates, with: (1) The Secretary of State for legislative offices, circuit judge, and family court judge, and for statewide and other offices to be nominated or elected by the voters of a political division greater than a county;
(a)(1) A person, political party, or political action committee may not, in an election cycle: (A) Contribute more than $2,800, directly or indirectly, to a candidates committee for a candidate seeking nomination, including by making contributions to the candidates committee; or
(a) Any person who makes or receives a contribution of currency of the United States or currency of any foreign country of more than $50 in value is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined a sum equal to three times the amount of the contribution. (b) Notwithstanding any provision of section […]