Any documentary material or data made or received by the authority for the purpose of furnishing assistance to a business, to the extent that such material or data consists of trade secrets or commercial or financial information regarding the financial position or business operation of such business, shall not be considered public records and shall […]
The economic development fund, to which shall be credited any appropriation made by the Legislature to the authority, any funds which the authority is authorized to receive under any provision of this code, other funds which the board directs to be deposited into the fund, and such other deposits as are provided for in this […]
(a) For the purposes of this section, the term “high impact development project” means a project meeting the following criteria, according to a resolution adopted by the authority: (1) The Governor has requested, in writing, that the project be approved for financing by the authority in an amount of $50 million or greater;
The Governor is authorized to provide for the transfer to the authority of the use, possession and control of such real or personal property of the state as he may from time to time deem useful to the authority in the conduct of its activities as authorized by this article.
It is the intention hereof that any pledge, mortgage, deed of trust or security instrument made by or for the benefit of the authority shall be valid and binding between the parties from the time the pledge, mortgage, deed of trust or security instrument is made; and that the moneys or property so pledged, encumbered, […]
All money accruing to the authority from whatever source derived, except legislative appropriations, shall be collected and received by the treasurer of the authority, who shall pay it into the State Treasury in the manner required by section two, article two, chapter twelve of this code, which shall be credited to the appropriate fund of […]
No member, officer or employee of the authority shall either directly or indirectly be a party to or interested in any manner in any contract or agreement with the authority whereby liability or indebtedness against or to the authority is in any manner created. Any contract or agreement made in violation of the provisions of […]
The state hereby pledges to and agrees with each federal agency that, if such agency constructs or loans or contributes any funds for any project, the state will not alter or limit the rights and powers of the authority in any manner which would be inconsistent with the due performance of any agreement between the […]
As soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year, the authority shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor and the Legislature. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering the authority's operations during the preceding fiscal year. The authority […]
The purposes of this article shall be to provide for the formation of a public economic development authority to promote, assist, encourage and, in conjunction with such banking corporations or institutions, trust companies, savings banks, building and loan associations, insurance companies or related corporations, partnerships, foundations, nonprofit organizations or other institutions, to develop and advance […]
No project, enterprise or business facility which conducts as its primary activity a manufacturing process or other nongovernmental or nonpublic activity may be deemed to be a "public improvement" within the meaning of the provisions of article five-a, chapter twenty-one of this code.
Any public corporation located in the state is hereby authorized to apply for, develop, maintain and operate a foreign trade zone in the state pursuant to and in accordance with all applicable provisions of federal law: Provided, That any public corporation desiring to apply for or develop a foreign trade zone must first receive the […]
If any section, subsection, subdivision, subparagraph, sentence or clause of this article is adjudged to be unconstitutional or invalid, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this article, and, to this end, the provisions of this article are hereby declared to be severable.
The provisions of this article are remedial and shall be liberally construed and applied so as to promote the purposes set out in section three of this article.
The authority shall be the corporate successor to the West Virginia industry and jobs development corporation and is hereby vested with all right, title and interest of such corporation in and to all property, rights and choses in action heretofore owned by or vested in such corporation, including, but not limited to, its loan portfolio, […]
Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, as used in this article: (a) "Authority" means the West Virginia economic development authority; (b) "Board" means the governing body of the authority; (c) "Board of investments" means the Board of Investments established by article six, chapter twelve of this code; (d) "Bonds" means bonds or other debt instruments […]
(a) The West Virginia Economic Development Authority is continued as a body corporate and politic, constituting a public corporation and government instrumentality. (b) The authority shall be composed of a board of members consisting of a chairperson, who shall be the Governor, or his or her designated representative, the State Treasurer, or his or her […]
The authority, as a public corporation and governmental instrumentality exercising public powers of the state, shall have and may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this article, including the power: (1) To cooperate with industrial development agencies in efforts to promote the expansion of industrial, commercial, manufacturing, and tourist […]
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that in order to attract the new business and industry to this state and retain the business and industry in this state which provide the citizens of this state with economic security; to advance the business prosperity and economic welfare of this state and to assure a pool of […]
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that the Supreme Court of Appeals has determined and ordered that the Constitution of this state imposes a duty on behalf of the state to make significant improvements in the jail and correctional facility system, including the duty to make capital improvements to facilities and to pay for the […]