With the written approval of the commissioner of banking and with the approval of its board of directors and stockholders, any banking institution may at any time issue and sell either its nonconvertible capital notes or nonconvertible debentures or both its nonconvertible capital notes and nonconvertible debentures. In connection with his approval or disapproval of […]
(a) The directors of any state-chartered banking institution may, quarterly, semiannually or annually, declare a dividend of so much of the net profits of that banking institution as they shall judge expedient, except that until the surplus fund of such banking institution shall equal its common stock, no dividends shall be declared unless there has […]
(a) (1) The total loans and extensions of credit made by a state-chartered banking institution to any one person or common enterprise and not fully secured, as determined in a manner consistent with subdivision (2) of this subsection, may not exceed 15 percent of the unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus of that state-chartered banking institution […]
Banking institutions are authorized: (a) To make such loans and advances of credit and purchases of obligations representing loans and advances of credit as are eligible for insurance or guaranty by the federal housing commissioner or United States administrator of veterans' affairs, or by any other officer, department, agency or instrumentality of the United States […]
It shall be lawful for banking institutions to invest their funds and the moneys in their custody or possession eligible for investment, in notes, bonds or other obligations secured by mortgages or deeds of trust insured or guaranteed by the federal housing commissioner or United States administrator of veterans' affairs or by any other officer, […]
No law of this state prescribing the security upon which loans or investments may be made or the nature, amount, or form of such security, or prescribing or limiting the period for which loans or investments may be made shall be deemed to apply to loans or investments made pursuant to the provisions of the […]
(a) No banking institution may hereafter be incorporated unless it shall have bona fide subscribed capital stock and capital surplus equal to at least $4 million. The West Virginia Board of Banking and Financial Institutions shall require capital in excess of $4 million if, in its judgment, economic conditions or the operating environment of the […]
In addition to the interest rate provided in article six, chapter forty-seven of this code and elsewhere by law, a banking institution may charge interest together with other finance charges at a rate of eighteen percent per annum or less calculated according to the actuarial method, or one and one-half percent per month, computed on […]
(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (1) Under federal banking laws, national banking associations are permitted to charge interest on loans at a rate not exceeding one percent in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial paper in effect at the federal reserve bank in the federal reserve district where the national […]
Notwithstanding any provision of any law, ordinance, order, rule, regulation or resolution requiring depository bonds of banking institutions covering state, county and municipal deposits or the deposits of any state, county, municipality or other political subdivision agency, bureau, department, instrumentality or officer or public corporation to be renewed annually or periodically, all such depository bonds […]
(a) A banking institution shall not be required, in the absence of a court order or indemnity required by this section, to recognize any claim to, or any claim of authority to exercise control over, a deposit account or property held in safe deposit (whether by the institution or in a safe-deposit box or other […]
(a) If any deposit in any banking institution be made by any person describing him or herself in making such deposit as trustee for another, and no other or further notice of the existence and terms of a legal and valid trust than such description shall be given in writing to the banking institution, in […]
(a) Any person may enter into a written contract with any banking institution located in this state to establish a payable on death bank account, which may be abbreviated as a "p.o.d." account. A payable on death account contract shall provide that upon the death of the account owner the balance of any such account […]
Whenever any minor shall make, or have credit for, a deposit in any banking institution, in his or her name, the money so deposited may be paid out on the check or order of such depositor the same as in case of a depositor of legal age, and such payment shall be in all respects […]
(a) Any bank may cause to be copied or reproduced, by any photographic, photostatic, microphotographic or by similar miniature photographic process or by nonerasable optical image disks (commonly referred to as compact disks) or by other records retention technology approved by rule of the Commissioner of Banking, all or any number of its checks and […]
When a banking institution makes a statement of account available to its customer in the manner provided in section four hundred six, article four, chapter forty-six of this code, such customer shall, with respect to errors in said account, have the same duties and shall be bound by the same rules, preclusions and limitations as […]
Any state banking institution or institutions, or institution or institutions jointly with a national banking association or associations, owning, leasing or renting, directly or through a subsidiary corporation wholly owned by it or them, computer, bookkeeping, or other like or similar machines or equipment for its or their own business operations, may contract for the […]
Banking institutions may, subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner of banking, acquire and lease personal property pursuant to a binding arrangement for the leasing of such property to any person upon terms requiring payment to the institution, during the minimum period of the lease, of rentals which in the aggregate will exceed […]
No act or transaction of any banking institution shall be void or voidable because done on a legal holiday or a Sunday. But this section shall not be construed to require of any such institution the doing of any act on a legal holiday or a Sunday.
(a) The majority of the capital stock of every banking institution, chartered under the laws of this state, shall be paid in full in cash and issued to the ultimate subscribers, not an agent or broker acting on behalf of the organizers, before it shall be authorized to engage in business, except such business as […]