(a) Each foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain a West Virginia state agency office shall keep on deposit with an unaffiliated West Virginia bank(s) as the foreign bank may designate and the commissioner may approve, the capital equivalency deposit required by section nine of this article in the form of interest-bearing stocks […]
(a) No foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain a West Virginia state agency or West Virginia representative office shall close the office without filing an application with, and obtaining the prior approval of, the commissioner. The failure of an agency or representative office to remain open to the public for business at […]
(a) The commissioner is authorized and empowered to issue such rules and orders to perform his or her duties and functions under this article and to administer and carry out the provisions and purposes of this article and to prevent evasions thereof. (b) It shall be required that all banks, including foreign banks, operating offices […]
(a) The laws and rules of this state governing the acquisition or ownership of controlling or other interests in West Virginia banks or in out-of-state banks seeking to establish and maintain one or more interstate branches in this state shall not generally prohibit ownership of such institutions by, or otherwise discriminate against, foreign banks or […]
An out-of-state bank which is a domestic subsidiary of, or controlled by a foreign bank, may establish branches in this state through merger, de novo entry or the acquisition of branches on the same terms as any other bank sharing that same home state pursuant to articles eight-d and eight-e of this chapter.
(a) A West Virginia bank or branch of any out-of-state bank owned or controlled by a foreign bank may at its main or branch offices in West Virginia receive deposits, renew time deposits, close loans, service loans and receive payments on loans and other obligations as an agent for any depository institution affiliate of such […]
(a) A foreign bank may directly transact certain banking business in this state as permitted under this article upon obtaining a license to establish and maintain a West Virginia state agency office. (b) Subsection (a) of this section does not prohibit: (1) Any foreign bank which establishes and maintains a federal agency or federal branch […]
A foreign bank seeking to establish and maintain a West Virginia state agency office shall submit an application to the West Virginia board of banking and financial institutions. Such application shall contain: (a) The same information as required by the board of Governors of the federal reserve system for an application to establish an agency […]
(a) A foreign bank making an application under this article for a license to establish and maintain a West Virginia state agency shall deliver to the West Virginia board of banking and financial institutions: (1) At least two duplicate originals of the foreign bank's application on the form prescribed by the board;