“Microtrenching” means a technique of deploying cables, including specifically for broadband networks, using a cutting wheel to cut a trench with smaller dimensions than can be achieved with conventional trench digging equipment; with the trench dimensions being no greater than three inches in width, and a depth between one and two feet.
(a) A person may perform microtrenching, where such is feasible, to the extent allowed by a permit issued by the appropriate municipality, county or state agency. All microtrenching work performed must be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code and other generally accepted safety codes. (b) A person must install conduit in a way […]
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the State of West Virginia may: (1) Install or contract with any entity for the installation of conduit, fiber, or broadband facilities throughout that political subdivision;
(a) A broadband operator shall be authorized to construct or operate a broadband system: (1) Over public rights-of-way; and