(a) The commissioner may issue an order suspending an authorized delegate, or barring a person from becoming an authorized delegate of any licensee, during the period for which the order is in effect. Upon issuance of the order, the licensee shall terminate its relationship with the authorized delegate according to the terms of the order. […]
(a) The following are exempt from the provisions of this article: (1) Banks, trust companies, foreign bank agencies, credit unions, savings banks, and savings and loan associations authorized to do business in the state and which qualify as federally insured depository institutions, whether organized under the laws of this state, any other state, or the […]
(a) An applicant for a license shall submit an application to the commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner may direct an applicant to file a license application through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry operated by the State Regulatory Registry, LLC. (b) Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable […]
(a) The commissioner shall charge and collect the license application fees, license fees, license renewal fees, and examination costs in amounts reasonable and necessary to defray the cost of administering this article as follows: (1) For applying for a license, an application and licensing fee of $1,000, plus $20 for each location at which the […]
(a) The commissioner may deny the grant of a license or renewal of a license for a failure to comply or otherwise meet the requirements and qualifications of this article or a rule adopted under this article, including failure to submit a complete application. (b) The denial of a license or denial of renewal by […]
The commissioner may propose rules necessary to implement this article for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
(a) The commissioner may issue a license to an applicant only upon first determining that the financial condition, business experience, and character and general fitness of an applicant are such that the issuance of the license is in the public interest: Provided, That the commissioner shall apply 32A-2-8(f) and 32A-2-8(g) of this code in determining […]
(a) Any individual in control of a licensee or applicant, any individual that seeks to acquire control of a licensee, and each key individual shall furnish to the commissioner the following items: (1) The individuals fingerprints for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the commissioner for purposes of a national criminal history background […]
(a) A licensee shall maintain at all times permissible investments that have a market value computed in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles of not less than the aggregate amount of all of its outstanding money transmission obligations. (b) Except for the permissible investments that are set forth in subsection (e) of this […]
The commissioner may refuse to grant a license or may suspend or revoke a license if the applicant or licensee fails to provide information required by section four, article two, chapter thirty-one-a of this code, or other information sought by the commissioner relevant to conducting an adequate criminal background check.