It shall be lawful for the grand lodges of the Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Junior Order United American Mechanics, Improved Order of Red Men, and other organizations of like character, to acquire by purchase, devise or gift, and hold the same for the purpose of establishing, […]
Any such grand lodge desiring to establish a home or asylum shall adopt and prescribe such rules and regulations for the government and control thereof as may be deemed wise by such grand body; and it shall appoint a board of directors, trustees, regents or commissioners, composed of a specified number of persons from its […]
Such boards shall be corporate bodies; and as such shall be governed by all the provisions of law relating to, and have and exercise all the privileges and powers of, nonstock corporations.
Each board of directors, trustees, regents, or commissioners, appointed under the provisions of this article, shall be styled and known by such corporate name as may be designated and bestowed thereon by the grand body appointing or creating such board.
Any grand lodge enumerated in this article, or any similar grand lodge, heretofore or hereafter incorporated as such grand lodge under the laws of this state, shall be authorized and empowered to take by purchase, gift, devise or otherwise, land not to exceed five hundred acres for the purpose of establishing and maintaining homes or […]
Nothing in this article contained shall authorize the incorporation of any society or organization connected directly or indirectly with any church, religious sect or denomination, and nothing in this article contained shall authorize any society or organization, connected directly or indirectly with any church, religious sect, society, or denomination to have or acquire any real […]
Any person who shall entice or attempt to entice away from any home maintained or kept by any of the fraternal organizations specified in section one of this article, or any other organization of like character, any resident of any such home; or shall aid or abet any resident of any such home to leave […]