US Lawyer Database

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§36-4-1. Effect of Covenant in a Deed

When the words "the said …………… covenants," are used in a deed, such covenant shall have the same effect as if it was expressed to be by the covenantor, for himself his heirs, personal representatives and assigns, and shall be deemed to be with the covenantee, his heirs, personal representatives and assigns.

§36-4-10. Covenant to Pay Taxes

A covenant by the lessee in a lease "to pay the taxes," or a covenant of like import, shall have the effect of a covenant that all taxes, levies, and assessments upon the demised premises, or upon the lessor on account thereof, shall be paid by the lessee or those claiming under him Provided, however, […]

§36-4-11. Covenant Against Assignment

In a lease, a covenant by the lessee "that he will not assign or sublet without leave," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as a covenant that the lessee will not, during the term, assign, transfer, set over, or sublet, the premises, or any part thereof, to any person, without […]

§36-4-12. Covenant for Repairs

In a lease, a covenant by the lessee "that he will leave the premises in good repair," or a covenant of like import, shall, subject to the provisions of the following section, have the same effect as a covenant that the demised premises will, at the expiration or other sooner determination of the term, be […]

§36-4-13. Effect of Destruction of Buildings

No covenant or promise by a lessee that he will leave the premises in good repair shall have the effect, if the buildings or other structures are destroyed by fire or otherwise, in whole or part, without fault or negligence on his part, of binding him to erect such buildings again, or to pay for […]

§36-4-14. Covenant for Quiet Enjoyment

A covenant by a lessor, "for the lessee's quiet enjoyment of his term," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as a covenant that the lessee, his personal representatives and lawful assigns, paying the rent reserved, and performing his or their covenants, shall peaceably possess and enjoy the demised premises, for […]

§36-4-15. Covenant for Reentry for Default of Lessee

If in a lease it be provided that "the lessor may reenter for default in the payment of rent or for the breach of covenants," or if the lease contains words of like import, such words shall have the effect of an agreement that if the rent reserved, or any part thereof, be unpaid on […]

§36-4-16. Covenants Shall Run With Land

Each of the covenants hereinbefore mentioned in this article, as well as the covenant of seisin, when used in a conveyance of land, delivered after the date when this code shall take effect, shall be considered as a covenant running with the land, whether such covenants have heretofore been so considered or not, unless a […]

§36-4-17. Construction of Covenants

The legal scope and effect of the covenants mentioned in this article, and the person or persons by and against whom such covenants may be enforced, shall be determined according to the rules of law applicable to such cases, and the plain intent and meaning of the parties.

§36-4-18. Recorded Disclaimer of Unlawful Restrictions

The clerk of the county commission shall execute, record and post in a prominent place in the county record room a document that disclaims the validity and enforceability of certain restrictions and covenants in deeds. The document shall contain a disclaimer in substantially the following form: "Except as provided in section eight, article eleven-a, chapter […]

§36-4-19. Solar Energy Covenants Unenforceable; Penalty

(a) It is the policy of the state to promote and encourage the residential and commercial use of solar energy systems and to remove obstacles thereto to promote energy efficiency and pollution reduction. Therefore, any covenant, restriction, or condition contained in any governing document of a housing association executed or recorded after the effective date […]

§36-4-2. General Warranty

A covenant by a grantor in a deed, "that he will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed," or a covenant of like import, or the use of the words "with general warranty" in a deed, shall have the same effect as if the grantor had covenanted that he his heirs and personal representatives will forever […]

§36-4-3. Special Warranty

A covenant by a grantor in a deed "that he will warrant specially the property hereby conveyed," or a covenant of like import, or the use of the words "with special warranty" in a deed, shall have the same effect as if the grantor had covenanted that he his heirs and personal representatives will forever […]

§36-4-4. Right to Convey

A covenant by a grantor in a deed for land, "that he has the right to convey the said land to the grantee," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as if the grantor had covenanted that he has good right, full power, and absolute authority to convey the said land, […]

§36-4-5. Quiet Possession

A covenant by a grantor in a deed "that the grantee shall have quiet possession of the said land," or a covenant of like import, shall have as much effect as if he had covenanted that the grantee, his heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, might at any and all times thereafter, peaceably and quietly enter […]

§36-4-6. Freedom From Encumbrances

A covenant, by any grantor in a deed, containing the words "free from all encumbrances," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as if the grantor had covenanted for himself his heirs and personal representatives, that the premises are freely and absolutely acquitted, exonerated and forever discharged, and the grantee, his […]

§36-4-7. Special Covenant Against Encumbrances

A covenant by a grantor in a deed, "that he has done no act to encumber the said lands," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as if he had covenanted that he had not done or executed, or knowingly suffered to be done or executed, any act, deed or thing […]

§36-4-8. Further Assurances

A covenant by a grantor in a deed for land "that he will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite," or a covenant of like import, shall have the same effect as if he covenanted that he the grantor, his heirs or personal representatives, will, at any time, upon any […]

§36-4-9. Covenant to Pay Rents

In a lease, a covenant by the lessee "to pay the rent," or a covenant of like import, shall have the effect of a covenant that the rent reserved by the deed shall be paid to the lessor, or to those entitled under him in the manner therein mentioned.

§36-4-9a. Cancellation of Oil or Gas Leases for Nonpayment of Delay Rental; Prohibition Against Maintaining Actions or Proceedings in State Courts for Enforcement of Certain Oil or Gas Leases; Rebuttable Presumption of Intention to Abandon Well and Well Equipment

Except in the case where operations for the drilling of a well are being conducted thereunder, any undeveloped lease for oil and/or gas in this state hereafter executed in which the consideration therein provided to be paid for the privilege of postponing actual drilling or development or for the holding of said lease without commencing […]