Any general power, whether exercisable by will, by deed, by will or deed, or otherwise, to appoint property, whether real or personal or both, may be released or disclaimed by the person or persons having such power, with or without consideration, wholly or partially. Any such power may be released or disclaimed with respect to […]
Any release or disclaimer mentioned in section one of this article may be effected by a written instrument signed and acknowledged as a deed by the person or persons having the general power to appoint mentioned in that section; and such instrument may be delivered by filing it for record in the office of the […]
Any other power than a general one, whether exercisable by will, by deed, by will or deed, or otherwise, to appoint property, real or personal or both, may be released or disclaimed to the extent that a release or disclaimer thereof would not be contrary to any manifest intent or purpose of the creator of […]
Any release or disclaimer of a general or other releasable or disclaimable power of appointment heretofore made in conformity with the provisions of the foregoing sections of this article shall be as valid, binding and effective as if hereafter so made.
Nothing in this article contained shall affect the validity of any release or disclaimer of any power of appointment heretofore or hereafter lawfully effected in any other form or manner.