(a) The Capitol Building Commission is continued, and is composed of nine members, five of which are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. (b) One member is appointed by the President of the Senate, one member is appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, one member is […]
Members shall be appointed for terms of four years and may be reappointed at the expiration of their terms. In the event of a vacancy, an appointment shall be made to fill the unexpired term. Whenever the approval of the commission is requested, as required by sections four and five of this article, the commission […]
The capitol building commission shall organize by electing a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary from among the members of the commission. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation and shall be reimbursed for such necessary travel expenses, subsistence and other reasonable expenses as may be actually incurred by them in the […]
The Capitol Building Commission shall review and approve or reject all plans recommending substantial physical changes inside or outside the state capitol building or surrounding complex, which affect the appearance thereof. In all instances constituting a substantial physical change, the approval of the commission is mandatory before a contract may be let or before changes […]
No contract or contracts which will result in physical changes to the capitol building or any approaches, structures or facilities incidental thereto shall be let, nor shall any physical changes be made not requiring a contract, until approval of the commission has been obtained.