When a party as a tenant for life, or in dower, or otherwise, is entitled to the annual interest on a sum of money, or is entitled to the use of any estate, or any part thereof, or of the proceeds arising therefrom by a sale or otherwise, and is willing to accept a gross […]
Calculate the interest at five and six-tenths percent upon the sum to the income of which or upon the value of the property to the use of which the person is entitled. Multiply this interest by the present value of an annuity of $1 as set opposite the person's age in the table and the […]
Suppose a person whose age is fifty is tenant for life in the whole of an estate worth $18,000. The annual interest on that sum at five and six-tenths percent is $1,008. The present value of an annuity of $1 at the age of fifty, as appears by the table in the annuity column, is […]