In every county in which now exists a tribunal for police and fiscal purposes heretofore established under section 34 of article VIII of the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy- two, the clerk mentioned in the twenty-sixth section of the amendment of eighteen hundred and eighty to the Constitution shall exercise any powers and discharge […]
In any matter with respect to which such clerk shall have power to act but in which he shall be interested, so that it will be improper for him to act therein, such powers and duties other than such as are judicial in their nature, may be exercised and discharged, in the office of the […]
No jury shall be impaneled before such clerk to settle questions of fact.
Such clerk shall, respecting the matters of which he is given jurisdiction by this article, keep such record and order books as a county court is required by law to keep, and shall enter therein all proceedings before him
Beginning with the third quarter of 2010, the clerk of each county commission shall file quarterly with the West Virginia Housing Development Fund established in article eighteen, chapter thirty-one of this code the disclosure forms of deed of trust foreclosure sales that were recorded in that county for the preceding calendar year quarter. Up until […]
When any act is required to be done by clerks of county courts of other counties on the first day of the term of the county courts, such clerk of the county court in every county in which such special tribunal for police and fiscal purposes was established as aforesaid, shall perform such act, under […]
Appeals from the decision rendered and orders made by such clerk may be had to the circuit court of his county at the instance of the same persons, in the same manner, by the same procedure, and within the same time, as from decisions and final orders of a county court; and when carried into […]