If any personal representative after one year from the qualification of the first executor or administrator of the estate, and after the report of claims has been made by the probate clerk or probate commissioner, as may be, and been confirmed by the county commission, and after withholding such funds as the fiduciary supervisor or […]
After the report of the fiduciary supervisor or the fiduciary commissioner on the claims against the estate of any decedent has been confirmed as aforesaid, and after one year from the time of the qualification of the first executor or administrator shall have elapsed, or four months in the case of settlements made pursuant to […]
(a) There is hereby created within the county commission an office, designated the fiduciary supervisor, who shall be appointed by order of the commission and whose office, with the consent of the clerk of the county commission, shall be housed within the office of such clerk or shall be housed in such other office as […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if an estate is otherwise ready for final settlement and the personal representative holds any sum or sums of money necessary for the payment or distribution of any contingent, unliquidated, unmatured or disputed bequest or claim, which cannot be paid or distributed because the whereabouts of the claimant or […]
A personal representative shall not be compelled to pay any legacy given by the will, or make distribution of the estate of his decedent, until after a year from the date of the order conferring authority on the first executor or administrator of such decedent, or until four months following such order in the case […]
Every person having a claim against a deceased person, whether due or not, who shall not, when notice to creditors has been published as prescribed in this article, have presented his or her claim on or before the sixty-day time period fixed in such notice, or before that time have instituted an action thereon, shall, […]
Every creditor who shall not have presented his claim to the fiduciary or the fiduciary supervisor before distribution of the surplus by the personal representative, or before that time shall not have instituted an action thereon against the personal representative may, if not barred by limitation, bring his action against the distributees and legatees, jointly […]
When the right to bring an action against distributees and legatees on any claim against the decedent shall become barred, the right to enforce such claim against real estate shall also become barred to the extent that such claim could have been collected out of the personal assets of the decedent. The provisions of this […]
The county commission of each county shall appoint not more than four fiduciary commissioners, except that in counties in which there exists a separate tribunal for police and fiscal purposes, such tribunal shall appoint such commissioners: Provided, That the county commission or such separate tribunal shall avoid reference of estates to such commissioners, unless such […]
The fiduciary commissioners shall have general or limited supervision, as may be, of all fiduciary matters that are referred to them, and of the fiduciaries in charge thereof, and shall make all ex parte settlements of the accounts of such fiduciaries. Such commissioners shall have power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, to […]
(a) When, from any cause, none of the fiduciary commissioners can act as to any matter or matters which may be passed on under the provisions of this chapter, such commission or tribunal in lieu thereof, may appoint some other person to act as to such matter or matters, and such person shall have the […]
No person shall perform the duties of a fiduciary commissioner or special fiduciary commissioner in any matter wherein he will be passing upon his own account or acts; nor, where he will be called to pass upon any account or acts with reference to which he served as attorney or counselor; nor shall he be […]
The fiduciary commissioner shall inspect all inventories and accounts of sales returned to him by the fiduciary supervisor or by fiduciaries, require the same to be executed in triplicate and in proper form, and, within ten days after they are respectively received and approved by him deliver three copies thereof to the fiduciary supervisor of […]
(a) The fiduciary supervisor shall at least once a month as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the county wherein letters of administration have been granted, a notice substantially as follows: NOTICE […]
Each fiduciary commissioner shall, at least once each month, ascertain from the records of the county commission of his country what estates and fiduciary matters have been referred to him generally by the county commission or the fiduciary supervisor, since such commissioner’s last inspection of the records, and examine as to each fiduciary, in any […]
The county commission, whenever any controversy arises in connection with the probate of any will, or with the appointment and qualifications of personal representatives, guardians, committees or curators, or with the settlement of the accounts of any fiduciary, may, of its own motion, or on the motion of any party thereto, and shall, on the […]
(a) When necessary solely for the purpose of financing the cost of settling estates, the county commission may authorize the fiduciary supervisor to charge and collect at the time of qualification of the fiduciary of a decedent’s estate a fee not to exceed: (1) Twenty-five dollars for all estates in which the gross assets do […]
(a) The county commission, or tribunal in lieu thereof, shall create a special county fund pursuant to the provisions of section nine, article one, chapter seven of this code called the “County Fiduciary Fund”. All moneys received by the fiduciary supervisor shall be deposited in said fund and the county commission or tribunal shall pay […]
(a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section and to the provisions of article thirteen of this chapter, any power, authority or duty conferred upon the clerk of the county commission with respect to the settlement, regulation and supervision of estates in any provision of this article or in any provision of […]
(a) In all estates of decedents administered under the provisions of this article where more than sixty days has elapsed since the filing of any notice required by section four, an estate may be closed by a short form settlement filed in compliance with this section: Provided, That any lien for payment of estate taxes […]