(a) The clerk of the county commission of each county shall keep a record, to be known as the “Record of Fiduciaries”, in which he or she shall enter, in separate columns, first, the name of every fiduciary authorized to act as such by the county commission or clerk of the county commission; secondly, the […]
In each county in which there exists a separate tribunal for police and fiscal purposes, created under section thirty- four, article VIII of the Constitution of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, the clerk of the county commission shall have the powers and discharge the duties which by this chapter are vested in and imposed […]
The provisions of this article apply only to personal representatives, curators, and minor guardians, as the case may be, and do not apply to or affect guardians and conservators of adult protected persons who are governed by the provisions of the Guardian and Conservatorship Act in chapter forty-four-a of this code or trustees who are […]
The circuit court of each county shall, as soon as may be after this code becomes effective, direct its clerk to transfer to the office of the clerk of the county commission of its county any wills, records of wills, records of the appointment and qualification of personal representatives, guardians, curators or committees, and records […]
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no individual who is a nonresident of this state, nor any banking institution which does not maintain a main office or branch office within this state nor any corporation having its principal office or place of business outside this state, may be appointed or act as executor, administrator, […]
A judge of the circuit court, member of the county commission, clerk or deputy clerk of the circuit court or county sheriff or deputy sheriff, fiduciary commissioner or an attorney-at-law, shall not be taken as surety in any bond required to be given by any fiduciary. When, for any reason, the provisions of this section […]
The county commission under whose order, or under the order of whose clerk, any such fiduciary derives his authority, when it appears proper on any report of the clerk or a fiduciary commissioner or a commissioner in chancery, or on evidence adduced before it by any party interested, may, at any time, whether such fiduciary […]
After the date of any order revoking and annulling the powers of any fiduciary, the county commission in which he qualified shall exercise such jurisdiction, either by appointing an administrator de bonis non, or a new guardian, or otherwise, as it could have exercised if such fiduciary had died at that date.
It is lawful for any guardian, committee or trustee, to compound and compromise any liability due to or from him or her, unless the compounding and compromise is ratified and approved by a court of competent jurisdiction, all parties in interest being before the court by proper process. When the compounding and compromise has been […]
When any securities for money loaned or invested, or any money, or property of any kind or nature, shall be standing in the name of any fiduciary who shall have died or resigned, or whose powers shall have been revoked, and such fiduciary or his personal representative shall not have transferred such securities, money or […]
The costs of any proceedings, authorized or directed to be brought against any fiduciary to enforce or compel his compliance with the requirements of the law, shall include a reasonable fee to the fiduciary commissioner at whose instance the same are had, and shall be charged and paid as the court may direct. In every […]