A personal representative or curator desiring to resign his or her trust, may file his or her petition for that purpose in the county commission of the county in which he or she was appointed, stating the names of all persons, so far as known by him or her, interested in the estate in his […]
Such fiduciary as is mentioned in the preceding section shall cause to be served, on the fiduciary commissioner whom the county commissioner shall designate, a copy of his petition and a copy of the summons issued thereon, at least ten days before the return day of the summons. The fiduciary commissioner shall investigate the records […]
When the summons has been served upon all the parties named and referred to in the petition, and any necessary order of publication has been duly completed, the commission shall, on the day named in the summons, or on some later day to which a continuance may have been taken, proceed to hear the matter. […]
The provisions of this article apply only to personal representatives, curators and minor guardians, as the case may be, and do not apply to or affect guardians and conservators of an adult protected person who are governed by the provisions of the Guardian and Conservatorship Act in chapter forty-four-a of this code or trustees who […]