US Lawyer Database

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§44-8-10. No Costs Recoverable In, and Injunction Against, Second Suit

After the commencement of any such suit as aforesaid, if any creditor of the deceased commence another suit, action or proceeding, upon a claim against him or his estate, no costs shall be recovered in such last-mentioned suit, action, or proceeding; and the court, or judge thereof in vacation, may enjoin the plaintiff therein from […]

§44-8-3. Real Estate to Be Assets for Payment of Debts

All real estate of any person who may hereafter die, as to which he may die intestate, or which, though he die testate, shall not by his will be charged with or devised subject to the payment of his debts, or which may remain after satisfying the debts with which it may be so charged, […]

§44-8-4. By What Court Assets Administered

Such assets, so far as they may be in the hands of the personal representative of the decedent, may be administered by the court in whose clerk’s office there is or may be filed a report of the accounts of such representative, and of the debts and demands against the decedent’s estate, or they may, […]

§44-8-7. Suit to Subject Real Estate to Payment of Debts; Parties; Evidence

When the personal estate of a decedent is insufficient for the payment of his debts, his executor or administrator may commence and prosecute a suit in equity to subject his real estate to the payment thereof as provided in this article. The surviving wife or husband, heirs and devisees, if any, and all the known […]

§44-8-9. Decree of Distribution; Claims Barred When

When such suit shall be fully matured for hearing and the report of any such commissioner shall have been confirmed, and the provisions of the preceding section shall have been fully complied with, the court may decree a distribution of the proceeds of such real estate among such of the creditors of the deceased as […]