If, for any reason, any section, sentence, clause, phrase or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect other sections, sentences, clauses, phrases or provisions or their application to any other person or circumstance, and to this end […]
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, any charitable or public service organization which has been in existence in this state for at least one year is hereby authorized to conduct raffles without compliance with the licensing provisions of this article: Provided, That any prize awarded in any single raffle at a […]
(a) Additional remedies. — Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the commissioner may: (1) Revoke or refuse to renew any license issued under this article for any material violation of the provisions of this article or legislative rules of the commissioner promulgated for this article;
(a) Except as provided in section three of this article, only persons, as defined in section two of this article, who are residents of this state and who are active members of any charitable or public service organization which has been in existence in this state for at least two years prior to filing an […]
A charitable or public service organization or any of its auxiliaries or other organizations otherwise affiliated with it, may apply for an annual license. Only one license per year in the aggregate may be granted to a charitable or public service organization and all of its auxiliaries or other associations or organizations otherwise affiliated with […]
Two or more organizations may hold a joint raffle occasion provided each participating organization has been granted a limited occasion raffle license for such jointly held occasion: Provided, That no licensee which holds an annual license may obtain more than one limited occasion license. A limited occasion license is valid only for the time period […]
(a) A license fee shall be paid to the Tax Commissioner for annual licenses in the amount of $500. A license fee shall be paid to the Tax Commissioner for a limited occasion license in the amount of $50. All revenue from said license fee shall be deposited in the special revenue account established under […]
An application for a raffle license shall include the following information: (a) Name of the applicant and name and headquarter's address of any state or national organization of which the applicant is a local branch or lodge; (b) The address and telephone number of the applicant organization, if any, and if the applicant organization has […]
If circumstances beyond the control of the licensee organization prohibit it from holding any raffle occasion in accordance with the information provided by it in its license application form, the licensee organization may request approval by the commissioner to: modify the terms and conditions of its license.