(a) The Legislature finds and declares that: (1) Changes in the permissible charges on loans, credit sales or transactions, forbearance or other similar transactions requires specialized knowledge of the needs of the citizens of West Virginia for credit for personal and commercial purposes and knowledge of the availability of such credit at reasonable rates to […]
Under the direction of the chairperson of the board, the board shall be entitled to utilize the staff of the West Virginia banking department and the offices of the board shall be those of the West Virginia banking department, in order to defray the cost of the board's operations. On or before the first day […]
On or before January 15, of each calendar year commencing with January 15, 1982, the board shall prepare a report to the Legislature detailing its (i) activities during the prior year including all rules and regulations adopted or modified during the year, (ii) recommendations regarding legislative action on rates of interest, finance charges, and usury […]
Because of the volatile nature of the credit market and the necessity of prompt action by the board, all orders, rules and regulations, and other procedures adopted by the board relating to setting maximum interest rates and finance charges are specifically exempted from the provisions of the West Virginia Administrative Procedures Act, chapter twenty-nine- a […]