§49-4-205. Adoption Eligibility
The child is eligible for adoption as an abandoned child under chapter forty-eight of the code.
The child is eligible for adoption as an abandoned child under chapter forty-eight of the code.
The governing entity of a local fire department that is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, may designate the premises of its fire department as a safe-surrender site to accept physical custody of a child who is 30 days old or younger from a parent of the child and who surrenders the […]
§49-4-301. Custody of a neglected child by law enforcement in emergency situations; protective custody; requirements; notices; petition for appointment of special guardian; discharge; immunity. (a) A child believed to be a neglected child or an abused child may be taken into custody without the court order otherwise required by section six hundred two of this […]
(a) Notwithstanding the jurisdictional limitations contained in section two, article two-a, chapter fifty-one of this code, family court judges are authorized to order the department to take emergency custody of a child who is in the physical custody of a party to an action or proceeding before the family court, if the family court judge […]
Prior to the filing of a petition, a child protective service worker may take the child or children into his or her custody (also known as removing the child) without a court order when: (1) In the presence of a child protective service worker a child or children are in an emergency situation which constitutes […]
Transition Plans and Aftercare Plans. §49-4-401. Purpose; system to be a complement to existing programs. (a) This article: (1) Provides a system for evaluation of and coordinated service delivery for children who may be victims of abuse or neglect and children undergoing certain status offense and delinquency proceedings;
(a) The prosecuting attorney of each county shall establish a multidisciplinary investigative team in that county. The multidisciplinary team shall be headed and directed by the prosecuting attorney, or his or her designee, and includes as permanent members: (1) The prosecuting attorney, or his or her designee;
(a)(1) A multidisciplinary treatment planning process for cases initiated pursuant to part six and part seven of article four of this chapter shall be established within each county of the state, either separately or in conjunction with a contiguous county, by the secretary of the department with advice and assistance from the prosecutor's advisory council […]
(a) In any case in which a multidisciplinary treatment team develops an individualized service plan for a child or family pursuant to this article, the court shall review the proposed service plan to determine if implementation of the plan is in the child's best interests. If the multidisciplinary team cannot agree on a plan or […]
(a) Within thirty days of the initiation of a judicial proceeding pursuant to part six, of this article, the Department of Health and Human Services shall convene a multidisciplinary treatment team to assess, plan and implement a comprehensive, individualized service plan for children who are victims of abuse or neglect and their families. The multidisciplinary […]
(a) When a juvenile is adjudicated as a status offender pursuant to §49-4-711 of this code, the Department of Health and Human Resources shall promptly convene a multidisciplinary treatment team and conduct an assessment, utilizing a standard uniform comprehensive assessment instrument or protocol, including a needs assessment, to determine the juveniles mental and physical condition, […]
All persons directing any team created pursuant to this article shall maintain records of each meeting indicating the name and position of persons attending each meeting and the number of cases discussed at the meeting, including a designation of whether or not that case was previously discussed by any multidisciplinary team. Further, all investigative teams […]
(a) The Department of Health and Human Resources shall develop a unified child and family case plan for every family wherein a person has been referred to the department after being allowed an improvement period or where the child is placed in foster care. The case plan must be filed within sixty days of the […]
(a) Prior to the discharge of a child from any out-of-home placement to which the juvenile was committed pursuant to this chapter, the department or the Division of Juvenile Services shall convene a meeting of the multidisciplinary treatment team to which the child has been referred or, if no referral has been made, convene a […]
State, county and local agencies shall provide the multidisciplinary teams with any information requested in writing by the team as allowable by law or upon receipt of a certified copy of the circuit court's order directing the agencies to release information in its possession relating to the child. The team shall assure that all information […]
No multidisciplinary team may take any action which, in the determination of the prosecuting attorney or his or her assistant, impairs the ability of the prosecuting attorney, his or her assistant, or any law-enforcement officer to perform his or her statutory duties.
Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, a multidisciplinary team meeting may not be required before temporary out-of-home placement of a child in an emergency circumstance or for purposes of assessment as provided by this article. As soon a practicable after the emergency circumstance, the mutidiscplinary treatment team shall convene to explore placement […]
(a) For any juvenile ordered to probation supervision pursuant to §49-4-714 of this code, the probation officer assigned to the juvenile shall develop and implement an individualized case plan in consultation with the juveniles parents, guardian or custodian, and other appropriate parties, and based upon the results of a needs assessment conducted within 90 days […]
§49-4-501. Prosecuting attorney representation of the Department of Health and Human Resources; conflict resolution. (a) The prosecuting attorney shall render to the Department of Health and Human Resources, without additional compensation, the legal services as the department may require. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the department from developing plans for cooperation with […]
It is the duty of every prosecuting attorney to cooperate fully and promptly with persons seeking to apply for relief, including copetitioners with the department, under this article in all cases of suspected child abuse and neglect; to promptly prepare applications and petitions for relief requested by those persons, to investigate reported cases of suspected […]