Except as the same may be inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or with rules adopted by the Supreme Court of Appeals, the provisions of law relating to trials and admissibility of evidence in circuit courts shall apply to trials in magistrate courts.
Upon motion made within twenty days after judgment by any party in a civil action or by the defendant in a criminal action, the magistrate who heard the matter or his successor or designee may, upon good cause shown, set aside judgment and order a new trial. All parties shall be given notice of such […]
A magistrate may punish for contempt of court a person guilty of any of the following acts: (a) Contemptuous or insolent behavior toward such magistrate while engaged in the trial of a case or in any other judicial proceeding; (b) Any breach of the peace, willful disturbance, or indecent conduct in the presence of such […]
(a) Any person may appeal the judgment of a magistrate court to the circuit court as a matter of right by requesting such appeal not later than twenty days after such judgment is rendered or not later than twenty days after a decision is rendered upon a motion to set aside such judgment. Such person […]
(a) Any person convicted of an offense in a magistrate court may appeal such conviction to circuit court as a matter of right by requesting such appeal within twenty days after the sentencing for such conviction. The magistrate may require the posting of bond with good security conditioned upon the appearance of the defendant as […]
Except for violations of section one or two, article five, chapter seventeen-c of this code, and except for violations of any of the provisions of chapter twenty of this code which may subject the person charged therewith to confinement, any person charged with a violation of said chapter seventeen-c or said chapter twenty may plead […]
Tender of payment by a person charged by citation of the assessed fine and costs shall constitute a plea of no contest to such citation and signing of the citation by the person charged shall not be required for entry of a judgment of conviction.
Whenever any defendant, properly notified, fails to appear for a criminal trial or other criminal hearing before a magistrate, the magistrate may issue a capias to compel that person to appear.
A magistrate may continue the holding of a trial or hearing as provided in the supervisory rules of the Supreme Court of Appeals. In criminal proceedings when the defendant is in custody, the state shall not have the right to a continuance but may be granted a continuance for no more than five days if […]
No infant, incompetent person or incarcerated convict shall proceed or be proceeded against in a civil action in magistrate court unless the provisions of this section are complied with. Whenever an infant, incompetent person or incarcerated convict has a duly qualified representative, such as a guardian, curator, committee or other like fiduciary, such representative may […]
A magistrate, magistrate court clerk, magistrate court deputy clerk or magistrate assistant shall, upon the request of any party, issue a subpoena compelling the attendance and testimony of a witness or a subpoena duces tecum compelling the production of some writing or other object. The court shall require the sheriff to enforce such subpoena or […]
No person shall be compelled to testify at any proceeding in magistrate court as to any communication privileged by law. No person shall be compelled to testify as to any matter as to which he is incompetent by law to testify.
In a civil action the evidentiary deposition of any witness residing out of the county or unable to attend court may be taken for use at the trial by any party upon reasonable notice to all other parties.
Every defendant charged in a magistrate court in a criminal proceeding which is within the jurisdiction of the court shall have the right to a trial on the merits in the magistrate court.
(a) A party to a civil action in magistrate court has the right to elect that the matter be tried with a jury when the amount in controversy exceeds $20 or involves possession of real estate. The election must be made in writing at any time after the commencement of the action and not later […]
(a) In every criminal case in which the defendant is in custody, a magistrate shall render a finding of guilty or not guilty immediately upon the conclusion of the trial or hearing. In all other proceedings, a magistrate shall render a finding of guilty or not guilty no later than the next succeeding day after […]