An order for the arrest of a defendant in any action or proceeding at law or suit in equity may be made by the court in which the action, proceeding or suit is pending, or by the judge or clerk thereof in vacation, upon the affidavit of the plaintiff or any credible person showing to […]
When sufficient cause shall be shown for the arrest of a defendant as aforesaid such court, judge or clerk shall make an order directing the defendant to be arrested and held to bail for such sum as the said court, judge or clerk shall think fit, and the plaintiff shall thereupon deliver to the clerk […]
Upon the delivery of the bond mentioned in the preceding section, the clerk shall issue an order for the arrest of the defendant in form or in substance as follows: A…………………………………. B………………………………., Plaintiff, vs.Order of arrest. C…………………………………. D………………………………., Defendant, To the sheriff of the county of …………………..: You are hereby required, in the name of […]
Under such order, the defendant against whom it issues shall be arrested and committed to jail, unless bond be given in the sum specified therein, with sufficient security, conditioned that, in case there shall in the action, proceeding or suit be any judgment, decree or order on which a writ of fieri facias may issue, […]
The defendant arrested under such order may, at any time pending the case, give bond to the officer making the arrest. Such bond shall be taken by such officer and returned by him to the clerk of the court from which the order issued, and the same shall be filed in such clerk's office.
If the defendant give such bond, or be committed to jail for want of it, the court in which the case is pending, or the judge thereof in vacation, may, after reasonable notice to the plaintiff, or his attorney, quash the order and discharge the defendant from custody, or discharge the bond, on being satisfied […]
While a defendant is in custody, the plaintiff, without having a judgment or decree against the defendant, may file interrogatories to him in like manner as might be done under sections one, two and three, article five, chapter thirty-eight of this code, if such judgment or decree had been obtained and a fieri facias thereon […]
The officer making the arrest shall be the officer to whom the conveyance shall be made: Provided, That if for any reason it cannot or should not be made to him it shall be made to such other officer as the court or judge may direct. The interrogatories, answers and report of the commissioner shall […]