Copies of the journal of either house of the Legislature, and copies of the acts and resolutions of the Legislature, which have been or shall hereafter be published by authority thereof, shall be received as evidence for any purpose for which the original journal, acts or resolutions could be received and with as much effect.
The certificate of the clerk of any county court of the entry or nonentry of any tract of land for taxation on the land books of any county wherein the land ought to have been charged or of the delinquency of any such land for the nonpayment of taxes charged thereon, and the amount of […]
The court in the clerk's office whereof there is an original paper filed in a cause (although decided) may, for good cause, order it to be delivered to any person, retaining in its stead a certified copy thereof, and make any order to prevent the improper use of the original.
The records and judicial proceedings of any court of the United States, or of any state or territory, or of any country subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, shall be proved or admitted in any court in this state, by the attestation of the clerk, and the seal of the court annexed, if […]
All records and exemplifications of books, which may be kept in any public office of the United States, or of any state, or territory, or of any country subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, not appertaining to a court, shall be proved or admitted in any court or office in this state by […]
Every deed or power of attorney executed out of this state, the acknowledgment or proof of which is certified so that it might be admitted to record under article one, chapter thirty- nine of this code, and every policy of insurance, charter party, copy from a record in any foreign court or from a register […]
Local or private acts and resolutions of the Legislature may be given in evidence without being especially pleaded; and an appellate court shall take judicial notice of such as appear to have been relied on in the court below.
The printed copies of the acts and resolutions of the general assembly of Virginia and of the statutes and codes of that state, with the supplements to and continuations of the same, and the ordinances of the convention which assembled at Wheeling on June 11, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, shall continue to be received […]
Whenever in any case it becomes material to ascertain what the law, statutory or other, of another state or country, or of the United States, is, or was at any time, the court, judge, or magistrate shall take judicial notice thereof, and may consult any printed book or other document, purporting to contain, state or […]
All courts and officers shall take notice of the signature of any of the judges, or of the Governor, of this state, to any judicial or official documents.
Copies of deeds, acknowledged or proved and certified according to the act of the general assembly of Virginia, of the thirteenth of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-two, and placed upon record after the expiration of two years, the period prescribed by the act of the twenty-fifth of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, but before the […]
A copy of any record, bond or paper in the office of the clerk of either house of the Legislature or of any court, or in the office of the Secretary of State, treasurer or Auditor, or in the office of the surveyor of lands of any county, or in the office of any other […]
(a) Any public officer of the state may, with the approval of the state records administrator, cause any or all records, papers or documents kept by him to be reproduced, by any photographic, photostatic, microphotographic or by similar miniature photographic process or by nonerasable optical image disks (commonly referred to as compact disks) or by […]
If any business, institution, member of a profession or calling, or any officer of a local governmental agency, including county officers, county boards of education and municipalities, in the regular course of business or activity has kept or recorded any memorandum, writing, entry, print, representation or combination thereof, of any act, transaction, occurrence or event, […]
The clerk of any court of record of the state may, with the approval of the court for which he or she is clerk, cause any or all records, papers, plats, or other documents kept by him or her to be reproduced on photographic microfilm or microcards and may, with the approval of the court […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, where any provision of this code requires that a copy of any record of any branch of the government of this state be provided or delivered, the custodian of said record is authorized to comply with the requirement by providing or delivering a true copy […]
Such a copy of any writing filed in a suit may be filed in another suit on the same writing, and the defendant shall plead thereto as if the original were filed.
The provisions in the two preceding sections contained shall apply to a copy of any record or paper in the clerk's office of any court in the state of Virginia, or in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, treasurer, register of the land office, or either Auditor, or any surveyor of lands of […]