US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


§59-1-1. Fee for Use of State Seal

Except when the seal is used on the papers of a requisition issued by the Governor for the return of a fugitive from justice, or when the seal of the state is affixed to any certificate, credential or commission of a public officer, and except in cases where it is otherwise provided by law, there […]

§59-1-10. Fees to Be Charged by Clerk of County Commission

For the purpose of this section, the word “page” is defined as being a paper or electronic writing of not more than legal size, 8 1/2″ x 14″. (a) When a writing is admitted to the record, for receiving proof of acknowledgment of the writing, entering an order in connection with the writing, endorsing clerks […]

§59-1-11. Fees to Be Charged by Clerk of Circuit Court

(a) The clerk of a circuit court shall charge and collect for services rendered by the clerk the following fees which shall be paid in advance by the parties for whom services are to be rendered: (1) Except as provided in §59-1-11(a)(2) and §59-1-11(a)(3) of this code, for instituting any civil action under the Rules […]

§59-1-11a. Additional Costs in Certain Criminal Proceedings

(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, in each criminal case before a circuit court in which the defendant is convicted, whether by plea or at trial, under the provisions of section two, article five, chapter seventeen-c of this code or section eighteen-b, article seven, chapter twenty of this code, […]

§59-1-12. Payment of Fines by Credit Card or Payment Plan

A circuit court may accept credit cards in payment of all fines, cost, forfeiture, restitution or penalties. The Supreme Court of Appeals shall adopt rules regarding the use of credit or check cards to pay fines, and any charges made by the credit card company may be paid from the gross credit card collections.

§59-1-13. Fees to Be Charged by Clerk of Supreme Court of Appeals

The Clerk of the Supreme Court of Appeals shall charge the following fees to be paid by the parties for whom the services are rendered: For all copies of petitions, records, orders, opinions or other papers, per page. 25¢ For each certificate under seal of the court $5 For license to practice law, suitable for […]

§59-1-14. Fees to Be Charged by Sheriffs

(a) The county commission shall determine the amount which the sheriff may charge, which charges shall not exceed the following: For serving on any person an order, notice, summons or other process where the body is not taken, except a subpoena served on a witness, and making return thereof $25.00 For summoning a witness 25.00 […]

§59-1-15. Payments to Sheriffs and Clerks Out of State or County Treasury

There shall be paid out of the State Treasury to clerks and sheriffs for services rendered the state in a civil case such fees as would be chargeable for the like service of an individual, after such fees are duly certified to the Auditor. There shall be paid by the county court according to the […]

§59-1-16. Amount of Allowance to Witnesses for Attendance; How and When Made

A person attending any court or other tribunal, under a summons or recognizance as a witness, shall receive not less than ten nor more than $20, to be fixed by the court or other tribunal, for each day's attendance and 15¢ per mile for each mile necessarily traveled to the place of attendance, and the […]

§59-1-18. To Whom Fees Charged; Services by Clerks and Sheriffs Without Fees

The fees mentioned in this article shall be chargeable to the person at whose instance the service is performed; except that the fees for entering and certifying the attendance of witnesses, and proceedings to compel payment for such attendance, shall be charged to the party for whom the witness attended, and except also as follows: […]

§59-1-19. Fee Books of Clerks

Every clerk of a court shall keep a fee book, wherein shall be entered the fees for every service performed by him and the fact of such fees having been paid, or of a bill having been made out therefor, whichever shall happen first. The fee books of a clerk shall be submitted to the […]

§59-1-2. Fees to Be Charged by Secretary of State

(a) Except as may be otherwise provided in this code, the Secretary of State shall charge for services rendered in his or her office the following fees to be paid by the person to whom the service is rendered at the time it is done: (1) For filing, recording, indexing, preserving a record of, and […]

§59-1-21. Fee Bills of County Clerk

The clerk of the county court may make out tickets for his fees and place them in the hands of the sheriff, or other officer, to be collected and accounted for in the same manner that the fees of the clerk of the circuit court are collected and accounted for. The clerk of the county […]

§59-1-24. Collection of Fees; Receipt

Every officer mentioned in this article shall, on or before July 1, in any year, deliver fee bills for all fees then due and unpaid, duly signed, to any sheriff or collector of the public taxes, who shall receive and endeavor to collect the same. A sheriff or collector may distrain therefor, or for any […]

§59-1-25. Accounting for Fees

Every sheriff or collector to whom such fee bills are so delivered shall, on or before July 1, next after such delivery, account therefor with the officer entitled thereto by returning such as he may not have collected, with the indorsement thereon of the words "No property found," and by paying to such officer or […]

§59-1-26. Limitation on Distress or Suit for Collection of Fees

No fee, when a fee bill has not been issued, shall be collected by distress or suit after ten years from the time when the service was done that is charged for therein; or, if a fee bill has been issued, after ten years from the time when the last fee bill was issued.