An officer or witness to whom, for fees or attendance, anything is due that is taxed in the costs for which there is judgment or decree, may, within ten days after such judgment or decree, lodge in the clerk's office of the court wherein the same is rendered, his fee bills for such fees, or […]
Except for the funds designated in section twenty-eight-a of this article, all fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, allowances, compensation, income and all other perquisites of whatever kind which by law may now or hereafter be collected or received as compensation for services by any clerk of the county commission, sheriff, clerk of the circuit court […]
(a) Except for those payments to be made from amounts equaling filing fees received for the institution of divorce actions as prescribed in §59-1-28a(b) of this code, and except for those payments to be made from amounts equaling filing fees received for the institution of actions for divorce, separate maintenance, and annulment as prescribed in […]
Each clerk of the county commission, sheriff, clerk of the circuit court and prosecuting attorney shall have charge of and collect the fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, allowances, compensation, income and all other perquisites of whatever kind which are now or may hereafter be allowed by law. Whenever there remain due the county and unpaid, […]
(a) Definitions. As used in this section: (1) “Annual report fee” means the fee described in subsection (c) of this section that is to be paid to the Secretary of State each year by corporations, limited partnerships, domestic limited liability companies, and foreign limited liability companies. After June 30, 2008, any reference in this code […]
(a) Except as may be otherwise provided in this code, the Secretary of State shall charge the following fees for data originating in the statewide voter registration system to be paid by the person for whom the service is rendered at the time it is performed: (1) Election Cycle Subscription Service $1,000
Beginning on July 1, 2016, a person who is under the age of 30 who resides within West Virginia is exempt from paying the fees provided in section two of this article for filing: (1) Articles of incorporation of a domestic, for profit corporation, for which he or she is an incorporator;
The Auditor shall charge for services rendered in his office the following fees to be paid by the person to whom the service is rendered at the time it is done: Land grants not exceeding five hundred words $1.50 For each additional five hundred words or fractional part thereof 1.00 For certificate of redemption, where […]
Each of the officers named in the preceding section shall keep full and regular accounts, subject at all times to the examination of the county court, or tribunal in lieu thereof, the State Tax Commissioner or any individual, of all sums charged or collected by such officers on account of official fees, costs, percentages, penalties, […]
Except for the funds designated in section twenty-eight-a of this article, each of the officers named in section twenty-nine of this article shall at the end of each month pay into the county treasury all fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, compensation, income and all other perquisites of whatever kind collected by his office during such […]
None of the officers named in section twenty-nine of this article shall be authorized to make any reduction, abatement or remission of any of the fees, costs, percentages, penalties, commissions, allowances, compensation, income or any other perquisites of whatever kind that it may be their duty to charge and collect. If any such officer shall […]
When any action at law, suit in equity or other proceeding is instituted, the clerk of the court wherein the same is instituted shall require from the plaintiff a reasonable deposit of money for the services to be performed by himself or any other officer named in this article: Provided, however, That such clerk shall […]
If, upon any examination made under authority of article nine, chapter six of this code, it is disclosed that the provisions of this article are not being complied with, the chief inspector and supervisor of public offices shall have authority to institute or cause to be instituted the necessary proceedings to enforce the provisions of […]
If a person shall present to the proper collecting officer such person's written statement, certified by the chief executive officer of a duly chartered legal aid society, that he is pecuniarily unable to pay any of the fees and allowances mentioned in this article, he shall be forgiven and not required to pay such costs.
Except as to any tax receipts, which shall be deposited in accordance with section four, article six, chapter seven of this code, when any fee, cost, percentage, penalty, commission, allowance, bond, deposit, surety or other cash payment or sum is to be held by the sheriff, the prosecuting attorney, the county commission, an official of […]
Any county officer, as described in section thirty-seven of this article, who receives a fee, cost, percentage, penalty, commission, allowance, bond, deposit, surety or other cash payment or sum shall issue a receipt to the payor thereof, in duplicate, on a form approved by the chief inspector, in accordance with the provisions of article nine, […]
If any county officer shall fail to comply with the provisions of this article, the chief inspector may, in addition to any other remedies provided by law, seek the removal from office of such county officer, in accordance with provisions of section seven, article six, chapter six of this code.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the fees to be charged by the Auditor, Secretary of State and Clerk of the Supreme Court of Appeals, by virtue of this article or any other law, are the property of the State of West Virginia. The Auditor, Secretary of State and Clerk of the Supreme Court of […]
Any wilful violation of the preceding section by the Auditor, Secretary of State or clerk of the Supreme Court of Appeals, or any wilful failure by either of them to make the reports or pay over the money or keep the accounts as provided for in the preceding section, shall be deemed a felony, and, […]
Surveyors may charge the following fees: For all surveying actually done (unless by specia lcontract), for the first one hundred poles, or any less distance, long measure, per pole $.01 After the first one hundred poles, long measure, per pole .005 For tracing and examining old surveys to ascertain the true lines, their distance and […]