The commission may grant to wholesale druggists license to purchase alcoholic liquors at wholesale from or through the commission for the purpose of resale within the state. Such wholesale druggists shall have the right to purchase ethyl alcohol, for nonbeverage purposes, at wholesale, and for resale to pharmacists, or druggists or drugstores employing a duly […]
The commission may grant licenses to persons to purchase alcoholic liquors at wholesale from or through the West Virginia liquor control commission for industrial, or scientific uses, or for use in institutions as provided in article six, section five of this chapter, and may, by special permit for such fee as the commission may fix, […]
The commission may issue licenses to retail druggists to sell, upon prescription, and for the purposes provided for in this chapter, alcoholic liquors purchased from the commission. Any pharmacist, or retail druggist or drugstore employing a duly licensed pharmacist, having a regular place of business, may, upon filing with the commission, at the time of […]
The commission shall license without fee a still used solely for laboratory purposes in an educational institution and a still used solely for pharmaceutical purposes.
The commission shall issue a license without fee authorizing an individual to manufacture ethyl alcohol solely for personal use by the individual in the production of gasohol and not for sale. For purposes of this section, the term "gasohol" means any product suitable for use as a fuel in an internal combustion engine containing at […]
The commission shall license a still used by a commercial chemist for laboratory purposes only, and not used for the purpose of the manufacture of alcoholic liquors for resale, at a fee of $5.
Each separate place of business shall require a separate license. Licenses shall not be transferable but, with the approval of the commission in such form and manner as the commission may prescribe, may be amended to change the location of the business licensed.