As used in this chapter: “Board” means the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy. “Controlled substance” means a drug, substance, or immediate precursor in Schedules I through V of 60A-2-1 et seq. of this code, and Schedules I through V of 21 CFR Part 1308. “Donor” means any person, including an individual member of the public, […]
(a) A donor or eligible recipient may request a waiver or variance from the board with regard to any rule related to this program upon a showing that such action would be in the interest of public health and safety. (b) The board and its rules have sole regulatory authority over the program. Notwithstanding any […]
(a) Drugs may only be dispensed pursuant to the program if: (1) For prescription drugs, they do not expire before the completion of the medication by the eligible patient based on the prescribing health care professionals directions for use and, for over-the-counter drugs, they do not expire before use by the eligible patient based on […]
(a) A pharmacy, hospital, wholesaler, reverse distributor, federally qualified health center, nonprofit clinic, healthcare facility, an entity participating in a drug donation or repository program pursuant to another states law, or healthcare professional that is otherwise legally authorized to possess prescription drugs may become an eligible recipient for a period of one year by giving […]
(a) A donor may donate drugs to an eligible recipient. (b) An eligible recipient may receive, accept, donate, dispose, replenish, and store drugs that were either donated or repackaged as provided in subsection (f) of this section. (c) Prior to the first donation from a new donor, a recipient shall verify and record the following: […]
(a) An eligible recipient may only dispense or administer prescription drugs if otherwise permitted by law. (b) Donation and the brokering or other facilitation of a donation of a drug pursuant to this program may not be considered wholesale distribution and may not require licensure as a wholesaler. (c) Donated prescription drugs may only be […]
(a) An eligible recipient may not charge or collect any fees from an eligible patient for drugs dispensed pursuant to this program. However, an eligible recipient may charge a handling fee for each donated drug that is dispensed. A handling fee may not exceed the reasonable costs of participating in the program including, but not […]
The board shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with 29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to implement this chapter.