(a) Consolidation may be initiated by: (1) A petition signed by at least twenty-five percent of the qualified voters of each affected municipality for a municipal consolidation, each affected county for a county consolidation or each affected principal city and of the entire county excluding the principal city for a metro consolidation; or
(a) A municipal charter review committee shall be established within thirty days of the county commission verifying the petition or resolution proposing consolidation. (b) A municipal charter review committee consists of the following members: (1) Two government officials or their designees from each affected municipality appointed by their respective governing bodies;
(a) A county charter review committee shall be established within thirty days of the county commissions verifying the petition or resolution proposing consolidation. (b) A county charter review committee consists of the following members: (1) Two county commissioners or their designees from each affected county appointed by their respective county commissions; and
(a) A metro charter review committee shall be established within thirty days of the county commission verifying the petition or resolution proposing consolidation. (b) A metro charter review committee consists of the following members: (1) Two government officials or their designees from the principal city appointed by the governing body of the principal city;
(a) A charter review committee shall study consolidation and the feasibility of consolidation. (b) A charter review committee shall: (1) Elect officers from committee members;
Members of a charter review committee serve without compensation, but are entitled to reimbursement by the charter review committee for necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their official duties.
(a) A charter review committee shall submit a budget to the governing bodies of each affected municipality for a municipal consolidation, each affected county for a county consolidation and each affected principal city and county for a metro consolidation. A charter review committee shall pursue public and private funds to augment its budget. The budget […]