SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED; DEFINITION. §8-19-1. Acquisition and operation of municipal and county waterworks and electric power systems; construction of improvements to municipal and county electric power systems; extension beyond corporate limits; definitions. (a) Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this article, any municipality or county commission may acquire, construct, establish, extend, equip, repair, […]
Any such municipality or county commission may enter into contracts or agreements with any persons for (1) the repair, maintenance and operation and management of the facilities and properties of said waterworks or electric power system, or any part thereof, or (2) the collection and disbursement of the income and revenues therefor, or for both […]
Rates or charges for water or electric power fixed precedent to the issuance of bonds shall not be reduced until all of said bonds shall have been fully paid, and may, whenever necessary, be increased in amounts sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest upon such bonds, and to provide […]
(a) Every municipality or county commission issuing bonds under the provisions of this article shall thereafter, so long as any of such bonds remain outstanding, repair, maintain and operate its waterworks or electric power system as hereinafter provided and shall charge, collect and account for revenues therefrom as will be sufficient to pay all repair, […]
(a)(1) Whenever any rates and charges for water services or facilities furnished remain unpaid for a period of twenty days after the same become due and payable, the property and the owner thereof, as well as the user of the services and facilities provided, shall be delinquent and the owner, user and property shall be […]
Any such municipality or county commission shall also have plenary power and authority, and may covenant with the holders of any bonds issued hereunder, to shut off and discontinue the supplying of the water or electric power service of said waterworks or electric power system for the nonpayment of the rates or charges for said […]
Whenever any municipality or county commission shall now or hereafter own and operate a waterworks or electric power system, whether acquired, constructed, established, extended or equipped under the provisions of this article or not, and shall desire to construct additions, betterments or improvements thereto, it may issue revenue bonds under the provisions of this article […]
Any municipality or county commission operating a waterworks or electric power system under the provisions of this article shall set up and maintain a proper system of accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Public Service Commission, showing the amount of revenues received from such waterworks or electric power system and the application of […]
Any holder of any bonds issued under the provisions of this article or of any coupons representing interest accrued thereon may by civil action, mandamus or other proper proceeding enforce the statutory mortgage lien created and granted in section eight of this article, protect and enforce any and all rights granted hereunder or under any […]
CUMULATIVE AUTHORITY. §8-19-17. Grants, loans, advances and agreements. As an alternative to, or in conjunction with, the issuance of revenue bonds authorized by this article, any municipality or county commission is hereby empowered and authorized to accept loans or grants and procure loans or temporary advances evidenced by notes or other negotiable instruments issued in […]
This article shall, without reference to any other statute or charter provision, be deemed full authority for the acquisition, construction, establishment, extension, equipment, additions, betterment, improvement, repair, maintenance and operation of or to a waterworks or electric power system or for the construction of any additions, betterments, improvements, repairs, maintenance or operation of or to […]
§8-19-19. Alternative procedure for acquisition, construction or improvement of waterworks or electric power system. As an alternative to the procedures hereinabove provided, any municipality or county commission is hereby empowered and authorized to acquire, construct, establish, extend, equip, repair, maintain and operate a waterworks or an electric power system or to construct, maintain and operate […]
(a) For the purposes of this section: (1) “Contract” means an agreement entered into by a municipality with any other party for the purchase of electric output, capacity, or energy from a project as defined herein;
This article is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare and shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes.
Considering the importance of public fire protection, any state or local government, public service district, public or private utility which installs or constructs water mains, shall ensure that all new mains specifically intended to provide fire protection are not less than six inches in diameter. Effective July 1, 2007, when any state or local government, […]
(a) The owner or operator of a fire hydrant or any device having the appearance of a fire hydrant that is located in a place that an entity responsible for providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency would expect a fire hydrant to typically be located, shall mark the fire hydrant or device, as […]
All rates, fees, and charges set by municipal electric power systems shall be just, reasonable, applied without unjust discrimination between or preference for any customer or class of customer, and based primarily on the costs of providing these services. All rates and charges shall be based upon the measured or reasonably estimated cost of service […]
Customers may appeal a rate increase to the circuit court of the county in which the municipality is located on the grounds that the rate ordinance or its passage does not comply with the provisions of this article by filing a petition, signed by at least 750 customers or 25 percent of the customers served […]
§8-19-3. Right of eminent domain; limitations. For the purpose of acquiring, constructing, establishing or extending any waterworks system or electric power system, or for the purpose of constructing any additions, betterments or improvements to any waterworks or electric power system, or for the purpose of acquiring any property necessary, appropriate, useful, convenient or incidental for […]
Whenever a municipality or county commission, under the provisions of this article, decides to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, construct, establish, extend or equip a waterworks system or an electric power system, or to construct any additions, betterments, or improvements to any waterworks or electric power system, it shall cause an estimate to be made […]