(a) The governing body of a municipality or a county may regulate subdivisions and land development within its jurisdiction by: (1) Adopting a comprehensive plan and enacting a subdivision and land development ordinance; or
(a) A subdivision and land development ordinance shall include the following provisions: (1) A minor subdivision or land development process, including criteria, requirements and a definition of minor subdivision;
(a) Before a governing body enacts a subdivision and land development ordinance, the governing body shall hold at least one public hearing and give public notice. (b) The public notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing must be published in a local newspaper of general circulation in the area as a […]
After the enactment of the subdivision and land development ordinance by a governing body, the governing body must file the enacted subdivision and land development ordinance in the office of the clerk of the county commission where the subdivision and land development ordinance applies.
After the enactment of the subdivision and land development ordinance by the governing body, all amendments to the subdivision and land development ordinance shall be made by the governing body after holding a public hearing with public notice.
After enactment of a subdivision and land development ordinance by the governing body, all subsequent subdivisions and land development must be done in accordance with the provisions of the subdivision and land development ordinance.
All subdivision and land development ordinances, all amendments, supplements and changes to the ordinance, legally adopted under prior acts, and all action taken under the authority of the ordinance, are hereby validated and the ordinance shall continue in effect until amended or repealed by action of the governing body taken under authority of this article. […]