§8A-8-1. Board of Zoning Appeals Authorized
§8A-8-1. Board of zoning appeals authorized. If a governing body adopts a zoning ordinance, then as part of that zoning ordinance it shall create a board of zoning appeals to hear appeals on zoning issues.
§8A-8-1. Board of zoning appeals authorized. If a governing body adopts a zoning ordinance, then as part of that zoning ordinance it shall create a board of zoning appeals to hear appeals on zoning issues.
§8A-8-10. Appeal to board of zoning appeals. (a) An appeal from any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official or board charged with the enforcement of a zoning ordinance, or rule and regulation adopted pursuant to a zoning ordinance, shall be filed with the board of zoning appeals. (b) The appeal shall: […]
(a) Within ten days of receipt of the appeal by the board of Zoning Appeals, the board shall set a time for the hearing of the appeal and give notice. The hearing on the appeal must be held within forty-five days of receipt of the appeal by the board. (b) At least fifteen days prior […]
(a) When an appeal has been filed with the board of Zoning Appeals, all proceedings and work on the premises in question shall be stayed, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section. (b) A stay may not be had: (1) If the official or board from where the appeal was taken certifies in […]
A board of zoning appeals established prior to the effective date of this chapter shall continue to operate as though established under the terms of this chapter. All actions lawfully taken under prior acts are hereby validated and continued in effect until amended or repealed by action taken under the authority of this chapter.
(a) A municipal board of zoning appeals shall have five members to be appointed by the governing body of the municipality. (b) The members of a municipal board of zoning appeals must be: (1) Residents of the municipality for at least three years preceding his or her appointment;
(a) A county board of zoning appeals shall have five members to be appointed by the governing body of the county. (b) The members of a county board of zoning appeals must be: (1) Residents of the county for at least three years preceding his or her appointment;
(a) A board of zoning appeals shall meet quarterly and may meet more frequently at the written request of the chairperson or by two or more members. (b) Notice for a special meeting must be in writing, include the date, time and place of the special meeting, and be sent to all members at least […]
A board of zoning appeals must have quorum to conduct a meeting. A majority of the members of a board of zoning appeals is a quorum. No action of a board is official unless authorized by a majority of the members present at a regular or properly called special meeting.
At its first regular meeting each year, a board of zoning appeals shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from its membership. The vice chairperson shall have the power and authority to act as chairperson during the absence or disability of the chairperson.
The county commission in the case of a county board of zoning appeals, and the governing body of the municipality in the case of a municipal board of zoning appeals, shall provide the board of zoning appeals with: (1) Suitable offices for the holding of meetings and the preservation of plans, maps, documents and accounts; […]
A board of zoning appeals has the following powers and duties: (1) Hear, review and determine appeals from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official or board charged with the enforcement of a zoning ordinance or rule and regulation adopted pursuant thereto;