50.90 Definitions. In this subchapter: (1) “Hospice” means any of the following: (a) An organization that primarily provides palliative care and supportive care to an individual with terminal illness where he or she lives or stays and, if necessary to meet the needs of an individual with terminal illness, arranges for or provides short-term inpatient […]
50.91 Departmental powers and duties. The department shall provide uniform, statewide licensing, inspection and regulation of hospices as specified in this subchapter. History: 1989 a. 199.
50.92 Licensing requirements. (1) No person may conduct, maintain, operate or otherwise participate in conducting, maintaining or operating a hospice unless the hospice is licensed by the department. (2) The department shall issue a license if the department finds that the applicant is fit and qualified and that the hospice meets the requirements of this […]
50.925 Use of name or advertising prohibited. No entity that is not a hospice licensed under this subchapter or an applicant for a license or a provisional license under this subchapter may designate itself as a “hospice” or use the word “hospice” to represent or tend to represent the entity as a hospice or services […]
50.93 Licensing procedure. (1) Application. The application for a license or for a provisional license shall: (a) Be in writing on a form provided by the department. (b) Contain such information as the department requires. (c) Include licensing fee payment, unless the licensing fee is waived by the department on a case-by-case basis under criteria […]
50.94 Admission to and care in a hospice for certain incapacitated persons. (1) In this section: (a) “Hospice care” means palliative care, respite care, short-term care or supportive care. (b) “Incapacitated” means unable to receive and evaluate information effectively or to communicate decisions to such an extent that a person lacks the capacity to manage […]
50.942 Accompaniment or visitation. If a hospice has a policy on who may accompany or visit a patient, the hospice shall extend the same right of accompaniment or visitation to a patient’s domestic partner under ch. 770 as is accorded the spouse of a patient under the policy. History: 2009 a. 28.
50.95 Rule-making authority. The department shall promulgate all of the following rules: (1) Except as provided in s. 50.942, standards for the care, treatment, health, safety, rights, welfare and comfort of individuals with terminal illness, their families and other individuals who receive palliative care or supportive care from a hospice and the maintenance, general hygiene […]
50.97 Right of injunction. The department may, upon the advice of the attorney general, who shall represent the department in all proceedings under this section, institute an action in the name of the state in the circuit court for Dane County for injunctive relief or other process against any licensee, owner, operator, administrator or representative […]
50.98 Forfeitures. (1) Any person who violates this subchapter or rules promulgated under this subchapter may be required to forfeit not more than $100 for the first violation and may be required to forfeit not more than $200 for the 2nd or any later violation within a year. The period shall be measured using the […]
50.981 Fees permitted for a workshop or seminar. If the department develops and provides a workshop or seminar relating to the provision of services by hospices under this subchapter, the department may establish a fee for each workshop or seminar and impose the fee on registrants for the workshop or seminar. A fee so established […]