US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


815.21 – Homestead, how set apart after levy.

815.21 Homestead, how set apart after levy. (1) Whenever a levy shall be made upon lands of any person, the landowner may notify the officer making such levy, at any time before the sale, that the landowner claims an exempt homestead in such lands, giving a description thereof, and the landowner’s estimate of the value […]

815.24 – Indemnity may be required.

815.24 Indemnity may be required. If there is any reasonable doubt as to the ownership of the property or as to its liability to be taken on the execution the officer may require sufficient security to indemnify the officer for levying upon such property. History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. […]

815.25 – Money applied; negotiable instruments sold.

815.25 Money applied; negotiable instruments sold. Upon executions against property the officer shall levy upon any current money of the United States and shall pay and return the same without exposing it for sale, and the officer may also levy upon and sell any evidences of debt circulated as money, or a bond or other […]

815.26 – Equities sold.

815.26 Equities sold. When personal property is subject to a security interest, the right and interest of the debtor in such property may be sold on execution against the debtor, subject to the rights, if any, of the secured party. History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 815.26; 1993 […]

815.29 – Notice of sale of personal property, manner, adjournment.

815.29 Notice of sale of personal property, manner, adjournment. (1) No execution sale of personal property shall be made unless 20 days previous notice of such sale has been given by posting a notice thereof in one public place of the town or municipality where such sale is to be had and, if the county […]

815.31 – Notice of sale of realty; manner; adjournment.

815.31 Notice of sale of realty; manner; adjournment. (1) The time and place of holding any sale of real estate on execution shall be publicly advertised by posting a written notice describing the real estate to be sold with reasonable certainty in one public place in the town or municipality where such real estate is […]

815.33 – Execution; sale in parcels; limitation.

815.33 Execution; sale in parcels; limitation. When real estate offered for sale on execution consists of several lots, tracts or parcels they shall be separately offered for sale; and if any person claiming to be the owner of any of such lots or parcels or an interest or estate therein or claiming to be entitled […]

815.34 – Execution sale without notice.

815.34 Execution sale without notice. Any officer who shall sell real estate upon execution without having given the previous notices directed by s. 815.31, or otherwise than in the manner prescribed by law, shall be liable to the party injured in the sum of $1,000 damage and also for the actual damages sustained. History: Sup. […]

815.35 – Execution; taking down notice.

815.35 Execution; taking down notice. If any person shall take down or deface any notice of a sale upon execution put up by any officer, previous to the day of sale therein specified, unless upon satisfaction of the execution or upon the consent of the parties to the action, such person shall be liable to […]

815.36 – Execution sale, want of notice, when immaterial.

815.36 Execution sale, want of notice, when immaterial. The omission of any officer to give the notice of execution sale required or the taking down or defacing of any such notice shall not affect the validity of any sale made to a purchaser in good faith, without notice of any such omission or offense. History: […]

815.37 – Execution sale; officer not to purchase.

815.37 Execution sale; officer not to purchase. The officer to whom any execution shall be directed and the officer’s deputy holding any execution and conducting any sale in pursuance thereof shall not, directly or indirectly, purchase any property at such sale; and every purchase made by such officer or deputy, or to the officer’s or […]

815.38 – Execution, certificate of sale, recording.

815.38 Execution, certificate of sale, recording. (1) Upon the sale of real estate on execution the officer making the same shall make out and subscribe duplicate certificates of such sale containing a particular description of the premises sold; the price bid for each distinct lot or parcel; the whole consideration money paid; and the time […]

815.39 – Execution sale; redemption of real estate.

815.39 Execution sale; redemption of real estate. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), within one year after an execution sale the real estate sold, or any lot, tract or portion that was separately sold, may be redeemed by the payment to the purchaser, to the purchaser’s personal representatives or assigns, or to the sheriff […]

815.40 – Execution sale; who may redeem.

815.40 Execution sale; who may redeem. (1) Redemption from execution sale of real estate may be made by a person whose right and title was sold or, if the person is dead, by the person’s devisee of the premises sold, and if the same shall not have been devised, by the deceased’s heirs; or, by […]

815.43 – Execution sale; redemption makes sale void.

815.43 Execution sale; redemption makes sale void. Upon redemption of any real estate sold on execution, the sale of the premises redeemed and the certificates of such sale, so far as they relate thereto, shall be null and void. History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 815.43.

815.44 – Execution; purchaser’s interest.

815.44 Execution; purchaser’s interest. (1) Who may acquire. In case the premises sold on execution or any part of them are not redeemed within the year prescribed by ss. 815.39 (1) and 815.40 then the interest of the purchaser may be acquired within 3 months after the expiration of the redemption period by the persons […]

815.48 – Execution sale; creditors may acquire title of preceding creditor.

815.48 Execution sale; creditors may acquire title of preceding creditor. Whenever any creditor shall acquire the title of the original purchaser, pursuant to s. 815.44, any other creditor who might have acquired such title may become a purchaser thereof from the first creditor who acquired the same upon the following conditions: (1) By paying to […]

815.52 – Payment on acquisition of purchaser’s or creditor’s interest.

815.52 Payment on acquisition of purchaser’s or creditor’s interest. The sums required to be paid to acquire the title of the original purchaser at the execution sale or to become a purchaser from any creditor may be paid to such purchaser or creditor, to the purchaser’s or creditor’s representative or assigns or to the then […]

815.53 – Execution sale; evidences of right of creditor to acquire title.

815.53 Execution sale; evidences of right of creditor to acquire title. To entitle any creditor to acquire the title of the original purchaser on the execution sale or to become a purchaser from any other creditor, the creditor shall exhibit to such purchaser or other creditor or to the sheriff the following evidences of the […]

815.54 – Execution sale, title when divested, action for injury to premises.

815.54 Execution sale, title when divested, action for injury to premises. The right and title of the person against whom the execution was issued, to any real estate which shall be sold thereby, shall not be divested by such sale until the expiration of fifteen months from the time of sale; and if such real […]