753.01 Term of office. The term of office of every elected circuit judge is 6 years and until the successor is elected and qualified, commencing with the August 1 next succeeding the election. History: 1975 c. 61, 178, 199, 422; 1977 c. 187 s. 92; Stats. 1977 s. 753.01; 1983 a. 538. The legislature cannot, […]
753.016 Judicial circuit for Milwaukee County. (1) This section applies only in the judicial circuit for Milwaukee County. (2) Court room; offices. The county board shall provide suitable court rooms and offices, the sheriff shall provide the necessary deputy sheriffs as attending officers under s. 59.27 (3) and the clerk of the circuit court shall […]
753.03 Jurisdiction of circuit courts. The circuit courts have the general jurisdiction prescribed for them by article VII of the constitution and have power to issue all writs, process and commissions provided in article VII of the constitution or by the statutes, or which may be necessary to the due execution of the powers vested […]
753.04 Writs, how issued; certiorari. All writs issued from the circuit court shall be in the name of the state of Wisconsin, shall bear date the day they are issued, be attested in the name of the judge of the circuit in which issued, and if there is no such judge, then in the name […]
753.05 Seals. The circuit courts in the several counties shall have seals, and they may direct and from time to time alter the inscriptions and devices thereon; and the respective county boards shall furnish such seals as shall be ordered; and when any such court shall be unprovided with a seal the judge may authorize […]
753.06 Judicial circuits. The state is divided into judicial circuits as follows: (1) Within the 1st judicial administrative district. Milwaukee County. The circuit has 47 branches. (2) Within the 2nd judicial administrative district. (a) Kenosha County. The circuit has 8 branches. (b) Racine County. The circuit has 10 branches. (c) Walworth County. The circuit has […]
753.0605 Additional circuit court branches. Notwithstanding s. 753.06, the director of state courts may add additional circuit court branches as follows: (1) By November 14, 2020, the director of state courts may add 4 additional circuit court branches, to begin operation on August 1, 2021. The director of state courts may allocate each branch to […]
753.061 Court; branch; judge. (1) In each judicial circuit, each judgeship shall be given a branch number. Each branch constitutes a circuit court with all the powers and jurisdiction possessed by circuit courts in circuits having one judge only, and may be designated in all papers and proceedings either by its respective number or by […]
753.065 Naturalization proceedings, venue. For the purposes of naturalization proceedings only, pursuant to federal statutes (8 USC 1421), the counties of this state shall be considered as one district. A resident of this state who petitions for naturalization may file the petition with the office of clerk of circuit court located in any of the […]
753.07 Circuit judges; circuit court reporters; assistant reporters; salaries; retirement; fringe benefits. (1) Judges and court reporters. Persons serving as county court judges in this state on July 31, 1978, shall be denominated circuit court judges as provided in chapter 449, laws of 1977, section 491. Persons serving as county court reporters in this state […]
753.073 Expenses. A circuit judge shall be reimbursed by the state for actual and necessary itemized expenses incurred in the discharge of judicial duty outside the county of residence, and in attending meetings of the judicial conference or the committees thereof, and as a judge designated to serve on the judicial administrative committee or the […]
753.075 Reserve judges; service. (1) Definitions. In this section: (a) “Permanent reserve judge” means a judge appointed by the chief justice to serve an assignment for a period of 6 months. Permanent reserve judges shall perform the same duties as other judges and may be reappointed for subsequent periods. (b) “Temporary reserve judge” means a […]
753.077 Preservation of judgments. All judgments of county courts which were entered prior to August 1, 1978, are judgments of the circuit court for the county where the judgment was entered. No such judgment may have any other effect than the judgment had when it was originally entered. History: 1977 c. 449.
753.09 Jury. The jurors shall be summoned to appear at such time as the presiding judge directs. History: 1977 c. 187 s. 92; 1977 c. 449; Stats. 1977 s. 753.09.
753.10 Attendance of officers, pay; opening court. (3) Unless otherwise directed by the presiding judge, no officer, other than the clerk, shall be paid for attending court or the judge if the court is not engaged in the trial of jury cases. Every officer attending court upon the order of the presiding judge shall have […]
753.19 Operating costs; circuit court. The cost of operation of the circuit court for each county, except for the salaries of judges and court reporters provided to be paid by the state, and except for the cost assumed by the state under this chapter and chs. 40 and 230, and except as otherwise provided, shall […]
753.22 When court to be held. If a matter appointed to be heard at a specified time is not heard at the time appointed, it stands continued and may be heard at any time, unless the court orders otherwise. History: 1977 c. 449. Several factors are to be balanced in the discretionary decision whether to […]
753.23 Night and Saturday sessions. In each circuit having 4 or more branches, at least one branch shall schedule and hold sessions at least one Saturday and 2 evenings after 6 p.m. per month. In each circuit having 2 or 3 branches, at least one branch shall hold one session per month on Saturday or […]
753.24 Where court to be held. (1) Circuit court shall be held regularly at the county seat. (2) Provision may be made, by court rule, for holding court in any city, village or town in the county other than the county seat where the court finds that there are adequate facilities provided and there is […]
753.30 Clerk of circuit court; duties, powers. (1) The clerk of circuit court shall keep the books and records under s. 59.40 (2) (a) to (i) and ch. 799 and perform the duties under s. 59.40 (2) (j) to (q) for all matters in the circuit court except those under chs. 48, 54, and 851 […]