31.21 Transfer of permit. (1) No transfer or assignment of any permit granted under s. 31.06 or 31.08 shall be of any effect whatsoever unless it is in writing and a certified copy thereof within 10 days after the execution thereof, is filed with the department and unless such transfer or assignment is approved in […]
31.23 Forfeitures; private bridges and dams. (1) Every person who constructs or maintains in navigable waters or aids in the construction or maintenance therein of any bridge or dam not authorized by law, shall forfeit for each such offense, and for each day that the free navigation of such waters are obstructed by such bridge […]
31.25 Nuisances, abatement. Every dam, bridge or other obstruction constructed or maintained in or over any navigable waters of this state in violation of this chapter, and every dam not furnished with a slide, chute or other equipment prescribed by the department, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the construction thereof may […]
31.253 Dam removal; opportunity for hearing. (1) Opportunity for hearing prior to department action. Except as provided under sub. (4), prior to seeking or causing the removal of a dam under this chapter, the department shall hold a public informational hearing on the proposed removal or publish a class 2 notice under ch. 985 stating […]
31.26 Civil liabilities. (1) The owner of any dam or of any privately owned bridge across the Wisconsin River or the Black River or any of their tributaries shall be liable for all damages occasioned to property by a failure to provide such dam or bridge with slides, booms and chutes as required by s. […]
31.29 May employ hydraulic engineer and assistants. The department may employ and fix the salaries of a competent hydraulic engineer and other assistants necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
31.30 Dams on Brule River. It is declared to be the policy of the state to prohibit forever the building or maintaining of any dam or dams across the Brule River or any of its tributaries in Douglas County, except that a dam with an adequate fishway may be constructed across said Brule River at […]
31.305 Dams in the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. No dam may be constructed in the lower Wisconsin River as defined in s. 30.40 (14). History: 1989 a. 31.
31.307 Dam on Milwaukee River. (1) The department shall conduct, or shall cause to be conducted, an environmental and engineering study concerning the removal of the North Avenue dam in the city of Milwaukee from the Milwaukee River. (3) Upon completion of the study under sub. (1), the city of Milwaukee may apply for a […]
31.309 Portage levee system and canal. (1) City of Portage levee. (a) The department shall provide a grant in the 1995-97 fiscal biennium from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (cq) to the city of Portage for the amount necessary for the renovation and repair of the city of Portage levee in the Portage levee […]
31.31 Dams on nonnavigable streams. Any person may erect and maintain upon that person’s land, and, with the consent of the owner, upon the land of another, a water mill and a dam to raise water for working it upon and across any stream that is not navigable in fact for any purpose whatsoever upon […]
31.32 Dams not to injure other dams or sites. No such dam shall be erected to the injury of any mill lawfully existing, either above or below it on the same stream; nor to the injury of any mill site on the same stream on which a mill or milldam shall have been lawfully erected […]
31.33 Jurisdiction of department. (1) Dams heretofore or hereafter constructed; action for damages. All mills and milldams lawfully erected or constructed, on streams not navigable at the time, under chapter 48, territorial laws of 1840, chapter 62, laws of 1857, ch. 56, R.S. 1858, ch. 146, R.S. 1878, ch. 146, R.S. 1898, ch. 146, 1911 […]
31.34 Flow of water regulated. (1) Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), each person, firm, or corporation maintaining a dam on any navigable stream shall pass at all times at least 25 percent of the natural low flow of water of such stream. (2) Except as provided in sub. (3), if all of […]
31.35 Dams in areas leased by county; restrictions; control by circuit judge; when. (1) Dams controlling the water elevations in areas covered by leases made under s. 59.01 shall be operated in such manner as not to divert waters or withhold from any cranberry reservoir to the damage of any cranberry marsh now served or […]
31.36 Levee commissioners. (1) The right-of-way for such levees, if any additional are found necessary, shall be furnished by the municipalities in which they are located, and no construction work shall be begun until such rights-of-way are provided. (2) Whenever levee commissioners under either general or special act are charged with the expenditure of money […]
31.38 Municipal authority to construct and maintain dams. (1) Every municipality may, subject to this chapter, authorize the acquisition, construction, maintenance or repair of dams across any lake or stream adjoining or within the limits of such municipality, and may locate such dam within or without such limits. (2) Whenever it is deemed necessary to […]
31.385 Dam safety; aid program. (1b) In this section “dam safety project” means the maintenance, repair, modification, abandonment or removal of a dam to increase its safety or any other activity that will increase the safety of a dam. (1m) The department shall promulgate the rules necessary to administer a financial assistance program for dam […]
31.387 Dam rehabilitation projects. The department shall establish and administer a grant program under which the department shall provide grants to counties to rehabilitate dams located in those counties. The department may only provide a grant for a project under this section to match federal funds provided for the project under the federal Watershed Protection […]
31.39 Fees for permits, approvals and hearings. (1) Fees required. The department shall charge a permit or approval fee for carrying out its duties and responsibilities under ss. 31.02 to 31.185 and 31.33 to 31.38. The permit or approval fee shall accompany the permit application or request for approval. (2) Amount of fees. (a) For […]