17-12-101. Certificate of ditch company. Whenever any three (3) or more persons associate under the provisions of this article, to form a company for the purpose of constructing a ditch or ditches for the purpose of conveying water to any mines, mills or lands to be used for mining, milling or irrigating of lands, they […]
17-12-102. Right-of-way of ditch company; interference with prior ditch and water rights. Any ditch company formed under the provisions of this article shall have the right-of-way over the lines named in the certificate, and shall also have the right to run the water of the stream or streams named in the certificate through their ditch […]
17-12-103. Proper condition of ditches. Every ditch company organized under the provisions of this article shall be required to keep the banks of their ditch or ditches in good condition, so that the water shall not be allowed to escape from the same, to the injury of any mining claim, road, ditch or other property […]
17-12-104. Applicability of W.S. 17-12-101 through 17-12-104 to existing companies. This act shall apply to all ditch companies already formed and incorporated under the laws of Wyoming.
17-12-105. Authority of ditch and water companies to issue bonds and mortgage property. Every corporation organized under the laws of Wyoming for the purpose of constructing or operating a system of waterworks, within the corporate limits of any city or town, and every ditch and water company organized under the laws of Wyoming shall have […]
17-12-106. Certificate of flume company. When any company shall organize under the provisions of this article to form a company for the purpose of constructing a flume, their certificate, in addition to the matters required in the first section of this article, shall specify as follows: the place of beginning, the termini and the route […]
17-12-107. Certificate of telegraph company. Whenever any three (3) or more persons associate under the provisions of this article, to form a company for the purpose of constructing a line or lines of magnetic telegraph in this state, their certificate shall specify as follows: the termini of such line or lines, and the counties through […]