2-7-801. Declaration of policy; clerk to maintain calendar; administration to be completed within one year; exception. (a) It is the policy of the state of Wyoming that the administration of estates of decedents be completed as rapidly as possible consistent with due protection of the interests of creditors, taxing authorities and distributees. To effectuate this […]
2-7-802. Expenses of administration; standard; how paid. (a) The personal representative is authorized to incur and pay at any time, subject to approval upon hearing his final report and accounting, all reasonable and necessary expenses in the care, management and settlement of the estate. The personal representative’s authorization shall be exercised with the judgment and […]
2-7-803. Fees of personal representative; schedule. (a) If the court determines that by reason of unusual circumstances the fee computed hereafter is not equitable after considering the time and effort reasonably expended and the responsibility with which the personal representative was charged, the court may allow such additional fee as the court determines proper. The […]
2-7-804. Fees of attorney for estate; schedule. (a) If the court determines that by reason of unusual circumstances the fee computed hereafter is not equitable after considering the time and effort reasonably expended and the responsibility with which the personal representative was charged, the court may allow such additional fee as the court determines proper. […]
2-7-805. Allowance and payment of personal representative’s fees and attorney fees; limitations. (a) No fees shall be paid to the personal representative or the attorney for the estate except upon order of the court. At any time during the administration of the estate the personal representative or the attorney for the estate or both may […]
2-7-806. Verified interim report and accounting. (a) The personal representative may at any time file a verified interim report and accounting with the court showing the condition of the estate, its debts and property, the amount of money received and the disposition made of any assets of the estate. (b) If the final report and […]
2-7-807. Distribution before final settlement; notice; hearing; costs. (a) Any time after thirty (30) days from expiration of time for filing claims the personal representative or any distributee may file a petition with the court for partial or complete distribution of any share of the estate. (b) Notice of the petition and the time set […]
2-7-808. Order of abatement. (a) Except as provided in the will, shares of the distributees shall abate for the payment of debts and charges, federal and state taxes, legacies and the share of the surviving spouse who elects to take against the will without any preference or priority as between real and personal property, in […]
2-7-809. Contribution among legatees. When property specifically given by will has been sold for the payment of debts, taxes or expenses of administration, all of the distributees shall contribute according to their respective interests, subject to W.S. 2-7-808, to the distributee whose devise or legacy has been sold. When distribution is made, the court shall […]
2-7-810. Federal capital gains tax; minimum preference tax; apportionment. (a) Unless otherwise provided by will, when as a consequence of sale of property by the personal representative a federal capital gains tax or federal minimum preference tax is owed by the estate, the tax shall be apportioned as follows: (i) That portion of the tax […]
2-7-811. Final report and accounting and petition for distribution; contents; notice and hearing thereon. (a) When the estate is ready to be closed, the personal representative shall file with the clerk of court, under oath, his final report and accounting and petition for distribution. (b) The final report and accounting and petition for distribution shall […]
2-7-812. Payment of all taxes prerequisite; filing of documents. (a) Before a final decree of distribution is entered the court shall be satisfied by presentation of receipts, cancelled checks, certificates, closing letters and other proof that all federal, state, county and municipal taxes legally levied upon the property of the estate or due on account […]
2-7-813. Final decree of distribution. Upon approval by the court of the final report and accounting and petition for distribution with any changes, corrections, amendments or supplements as may be required, the court shall enter a final decree of distribution. In the decree the court shall name the persons and the proportions or parts of […]
2-7-814. Discharge of personal representative. When the estate has been fully administered the personal representative may petition the court for his final discharge. Upon showing proof of payment or receipt that he has paid all sums of money due from him and delivered under order of the court all property of the estate to the […]
2-7-815. Closing of estates. The court, upon its own motion, or upon the application of any party, may enter an order closing any pending estate when it appears from the court files or otherwise that no known assets belonging to the estate remain for administration or distribution. Such order shall not be deemed to exonerate […]