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Home » US Law » 2022 Wyoming Statutes » Title 22 - Elections » Chapter 16 - Canvass and Recount

Section 22-16-101 – County Canvassing Board; Compensation.

22-16-101. County canvassing board; compensation. The county canvassing board is the county clerk and two (2) electors of different political parties resident in the county appointed by the county clerk. The two (2) electors shall receive the same compensation as election judges. All canvassing board members shall take an oath of office.

Section 22-16-102 – Abstract of Vote; Returns Not Filed.

22-16-102. Abstract of vote; returns not filed. (a) The county clerk shall prepare an abstract of the vote of all precincts in the county following a county primary, special or general election. The abstract shall contain all items required in W.S. 22-16-103(c)(viii). (b) The county clerk shall send a messenger to obtain returns not filed […]

Section 22-16-103 – County Canvass Procedures.

22-16-103. County canvass procedures. (a) Prior to the county canvass, the county clerk shall: (i) Examine the poll books, tally sheets, precinct certifications and oaths of election officials; (ii) Summarize the number of votes cast in each precinct for every candidate appearing on the ballot and the total votes cast for write-in candidates, and upon […]

Section 22-16-105 – Tie Votes.

22-16-105. Tie votes. A tie vote shall be decided at an open meeting by lots cast by the county canvassing board or other authority holding the election, except in elections for members of the state legislature, which shall be determined as provided in W.S. 22-16-119.

Section 22-16-106 – Write-in Candidates.

22-16-106. Write-in candidates. (a) Each write-in candidate nominated at a primary election, who has not previously filed an application for nomination shall accept nomination by filing an application for nomination and paying the filing fee in the office in which he would have been required to file an application for nomination to that office. (b) […]

Section 22-16-107 – Certified Results.

22-16-107. Certified results. The certified results of the county canvass shall be posted in the office of the county clerk and copies made available to interested persons.

Section 22-16-108 – Results Furnished Secretary of State.

22-16-108. Results furnished secretary of state. Immediately upon completion of the county canvass, the county clerk shall notify the secretary of state of the election results. A copy of the county abstract, after being certified by the county canvassing boards, shall immediately be delivered by the county clerk to the secretary of state. The secretary […]

Section 22-16-109 – Recounts.

22-16-109. Recounts. (a) The county canvassing board shall make a recount of precinct votes if it appears to the board that a recount is required due to irregularities in that precinct. (b) There shall be a recount made of all the votes cast for any office in which the difference in number of votes cast […]

Section 22-16-110 – How Candidate May Obtain Recount; Where Affidavit Filed.

22-16-110. How candidate may obtain recount; where affidavit filed. (a) A candidate may obtain a recount of votes for the office he is seeking by making and filing an affidavit alleging that fraud or error occurred in counting, returning or canvassing the votes cast in any part of the district in which he is standing […]

Section 22-16-111 – Recount of Ballot Proposition.

22-16-111. Recount of ballot proposition. (a) A recount of votes of a ballot proposition may be obtained in one (1) of the following manners: (i) A recount will be made if the proposition receives a number of votes, greater or lesser, within one percent (1%) of the number of votes required for passage. The one […]

Section 22-16-112 – Precincts to Be Recounted; Recount Official Result.

22-16-112. Precincts to be recounted; recount official result. (a) The number of precincts to be recounted shall be as follows: (i) If the recount is requested by a candidate, all precincts in which that candidate was voted upon for that office shall be recounted; (ii) If the recount is required by W.S. 22-16-109(b), all precincts […]

Section 22-16-113 – Recount Deposit; Expense of Recount.

22-16-113. Recount deposit; expense of recount. (a) An affidavit requesting a recount must be accompanied by the following deposit: (i) If the difference in number of votes cast as calculated pursuant to W.S. 22-16-109(b) is one percent (1%) or greater but less than five percent (5%), five hundred dollars ($500.00); (ii) If the difference in […]

Section 22-16-114 – Certificates of Election or Nomination After Recount.

22-16-114. Certificates of election or nomination after recount. When the time within which to request a recount has expired without one being requested, or when a recount has been completed, the county clerk shall immediately prepare and mail certificates of election or nomination to each candidate nominated or elected to a county or precinct office.

Section 22-16-116 – Statewide Abstract; Discrepancies With County Abstracts.

22-16-116. Statewide abstract; discrepancies with county abstracts. From the unofficial tabulations delivered directly to his office, the secretary of state shall tabulate a statewide abstract by counties of votes for president and vice-president, state officers, justice of the supreme court, United States senator, representative in congress, district court judges, circuit court judges, members of the […]

Section 22-16-117 – Content of State Abstract.

22-16-117. Content of state abstract. The state abstract of an election shall indicate by county the number of ballots cast by each political party, if known, the total votes cast for each candidate, the names of all write-in candidates receiving a sufficient number of votes to affect the result of the election and the number […]

Section 22-16-118 – Meeting of State Canvassing Board.

22-16-118. Meeting of state canvassing board. The state canvassing board shall meet no later than the second Wednesday following the election. The secretary of state shall send a messenger to obtain official county abstracts not filed in a reasonable length of time. The canvassing board shall meet at the time and place set by the […]

Section 22-16-120 – Filing of State Abstract.

22-16-120. Filing of state abstract. When the canvass by the state canvassing board is completed and certified, the secretary of state shall file the official state abstract in his office with the minutes of the state canvassing board meeting signed by the members of the state canvassing board. The secretary of state shall cause a […]