22-5-202. Major political party participation; separate ballots; same time. Major political parties shall participate in the primary election and each shall have a separate party ballot. The primary election of major political parties shall be held at the same time and at the same polling places and shall be conducted by the same election officials.
22-5-203. Nonpartisan judicial offices; separate ballot; same time. (a) Repealed By Laws 2004, Chapter 42, § 2 and Chapter 94, § 4. (b) A separate ballot shall be used for the nonpartisan primary election which shall be held at the same time and at the same polling places and shall be conducted by the same […]
22-5-204. Application for nomination or election; party registration; form. (a) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 243, § 5. (b) An eligible person seeking nomination or election for a partisan office shall: (i) Meet all applicable qualifications to be elected to office which are set forth in the United States and Wyoming constitutions; (ii) Be registered […]
22-5-205. Nomination application form for nonpartisan office. (a) An eligible person seeking nomination for a nonpartisan office must file an application in substantially the following form: APPLICATION FOR NOMINATION BY NONPARTISAN PRIMARY State of Wyoming ) ) ss County of …. ) I, …., swear or affirm that I was born on …., that I […]
22-5-206. Where nomination applications to be filed. (a) Nomination applications for United States senators and representatives in congress, state offices, members of the legislature, circuit court judges, and state district court judges shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. (b) Applications for other offices that are to appear on the ballot […]
22-5-207. Furnishing of application forms. The secretary of state and county clerks shall provide the application form required to be filed in their respective offices.
22-5-208. Filing fees; exception. (a) Applications shall be accompanied by the following fees: (i) One hundred dollars ($100.00) for the offices of state senator, state representative, district attorney and for the offices to be voted for by electors wholly within a county; (ii) Three hundred dollars ($300.00) for offices to be voted for by electors […]
22-5-209. Time for filing nomination applications; certified list. An application for nomination shall be filed not more than ninety-six (96) days and not later than eighty-one (81) days next preceding the primary election. Not later than sixty-eight (68) days before a primary election the secretary of state shall transmit to each county clerk a certified […]
22-5-212. When declaration of party affiliation required. An elector requesting a major party ballot must declare his party affiliation, or sign an application for change of affiliation before he may receive a party ballot. An elector may vote only the nonpartisan ballot and if so, is not required to declare his party affiliation. Requesting a […]
22-5-213. Entry in pollbook. The judges of election shall check or enter in the pollbook the name of each elector voting in the primary election and his party affiliation, if declared. An elector voting only a nonpartisan ballot shall be entered in the pollbook as an unaffiliated voter.
22-5-215. Nomination of partisan candidates and write-in candidates. On each party ballot the candidate or candidates equal in number to the number to be elected to each office who receive the largest number of votes shall be nominated and shall be entitled to have their names printed on the ballot for the next general election. […]
22-5-218. Election of major party precinct committeemen and committeewomen. The candidates equal in number to the number of offices to be filled receiving the greatest number of votes on each party ballot for the offices of major party precinct committeeman and committeewoman shall be deemed elected.
22-5-219. Further action by nominees or elect not required; exception. (a) Candidates nominated and major party precinct committeemen and committeewomen elected at a primary election shall be deemed nominated or elected without further action. In addition, each write-in candidate nominated at a primary election shall comply with the provisions of W.S. 22-16-106. (b) Repealed By […]
22-5-220. Withdrawal of nomination application restricted. A candidate may withdraw a nomination application prior to the primary election only by filing a written withdrawal in the filing office in which he filed his application for nomination. If a candidate withdraws after the party ballots are finalized and approved for printing by a county clerk in […]