22-8-101. Notice of election officials needed; county chairmen to submit list of names; municipal clerks list of names appointment. (a) Not later than the third Tuesday of April in each general election year, each county clerk shall notify the county chairmen of the major and minor political parties in the county of the number of […]
22-8-102. Qualifications. Except as otherwise provided by this section, judges of election and members of counting boards shall be registered electors and shall be physically, morally and mentally competent to perform their duties. The county clerk may appoint persons who are at least sixteen (16) years of age to serve as judges of election or […]
22-8-103. Terms. Judges of election and members of counting boards serve for two (2) years or until their successors are appointed.
22-8-106. Number of judges in each polling place. At least three (3) judges shall be appointed for each polling place. Additional judges may be appointed in a polling place as determined necessary by the county clerk.
22-8-107. Absentee ballot counting boards. If the alternate procedure for counting absentee ballots described in W.S. 22-9-125 is used, at least three (3) judges shall be appointed as an absentee ballot counting board in the same manner as other election judges are appointed. These judges shall determine legality of absentee ballots and count absentee ballots […]
22-8-108. Appointment, composition and authority of counting boards; when judges to count. (a) The county clerk shall appoint a counting board for each paper ballot polling place casting more than three hundred (300) votes at the last general election, and may appoint a counting board in such a polling place in which one hundred fifty […]
22-8-109. Party representation. Judges and members of counting boards shall be divided between the participating political parties as nearly equal as possible.
22-8-110. Notice of appointment. The county clerk shall immediately mail a notice of appointment to each person selected to serve as a judge of election or a member of a counting board or alternate. The notice shall also state that attendance at the training school for election officials is required unless similar training is otherwise […]
22-8-111. Acceptance of appointment. With each notice of appointment delivered by the county clerk there shall be a form for acceptance of the appointment or notice that each appointee shall be required to notify the county clerk of acceptance. The county clerk shall state the date by which the appointee shall be required to notify […]
22-8-112. Filling vacancies. (a) Any vacancy occurring prior to an election day shall be filled by the county clerk from the list of alternates. If no alternates exist, any elector who is qualified may be appointed. Any expedient method of notice of appointment to the county clerk and to the appointee may be used. Vacancies […]
22-8-113. Training schools; generally and payment for attending. Not later than four (4) days before the primary and general election, the county clerk under the direction of the secretary of state shall conduct a training school for judges of election and members of counting boards to provide instruction in the performance of their duties. The […]
22-8-114. Training schools; mileage payment and certificate. Judges of election and members of counting boards and their alternates will be paid mileage in excess of five (5) miles at the rate authorized for county employees for attendance at training schools. The county clerk shall issue a certificate to all election officials and alternates who attend […]
22-8-115. Oath for election officials. (a) An election official shall subscribe to this oath in writing before entering upon his duties at each election: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will impartially and to the best of my knowledge and ability perform the duties of my office. I will studiously endeavor to prevent […]
22-8-116. Compensation. Judges of election and members of counting boards shall be compensated for services at a rate to be determined by the board of county commissioners at the June meeting and stated on the notice sent to each nominee. The rate shall be not less than the state minimum wage. Compensation shall begin one […]